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Election Call Today! BYE IGGY AND JACK!!!

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    Election Call Today! BYE IGGY AND JACK!!!

    The election no one wants will be on its way. Iggy is smart enough and knows now one single Canadian likes him. Jack also knows he can only win in Toronto Down town. Sask Hates him and BC is not sure he is their guy. Poll shows Cons up 19% but yet CBC says its going to be close out west the cons are slipping YEA that happening.
    My projection is simple Ontario will vote Con and Harper will get his majority. So Mr Harper make the west issue ending the CWB. PLEASE>
    I WANT OUT!!!!!!!

    So what I am trying to say is this election is about flushing out the two leaders and rebuilding with some dignity. Iggy wants to go back home and Jack wants his pension and retire.
    I want the CWB to end!


      The problem is Goodale.

      Every farmer should head for Wascana constituency as soon as the writ is dropped, flooding the area with door knockers and pamphlets, and facebook messages and ads in papers convincing constituents to not vote for this anti-farm socialist.

      Goodale is the worst of the worst.

      If you want marketing freedom, see to it that he is not elected. Iggy wouldn't know a front end loader from a pair of teats. Goodale is the mastermind to keep the West slaves to supplying the East with cheap feed grain, and running grain through Eastern Ports, and stuffing Winnipeg full of CWB bureaucrats that serve the Liberal party of Eastern Canada. In my humble opinion of course, Pars


        He is part of the problem.

        The other part is the lack of balls on the onservatives to eliminate this thing.


        If western canada gets marketing freedom like the east, who is going to lose market share. Ontario, behind closed doors, wants this cwb kept in place.IMHO.


          If Harper doesn't get a majority, he's toast. All three could be gone and Canada will be a better place. Canadians should boycott all the parties by not donating a dime to any of them.


            I agree he is our guy in Wascana in Regina. I wish he has run out of friends that vote for him. Its hard to tell but if the NDP ran no one he could loose. City is problem. Influential people in East Regina like him. But their starting to like Brad wall a lot more. Maybe just maybe the good old oh hell ill vote for Ralph boy just because hes Ralph is maybe done.
            I'm not voting for him. So at least my wife and i will take out his votes. Only 5000 more people and he is gone.


              If Harper dosen't get a majority the whole country is toast. A coalition government that has the Bloc to awnser to? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.


                I see another minority government, same bs same party. sask you haven't been right about anything in 3 years why would you be right now.


                  I really, really, really, want to vote
                  fer the Bloc, butt don't know if'n its
                  possible! They are the only party that
                  know what they want, fer PQ and they get
                  it, each and every time. They have a
                  vision for Comedia and a gag policy that
                  works. While the C's and Lib have the
                  Comedian gun reg., contempt of
                  parliament, and are always whinning and
                  snivelling about everything unjust in
                  Comedia. Another election will result,
                  in more of the same old, same old, blah
                  blah blah..... Then all the leaders kin
                  spend more time wit their families....


                    Another Conservetive minority government won't last a week. The backroom deal has already been made. The Liberals, NDP and the Bloc would bring the government down on a non confidance motion on the throne speech. Then they'd go to the GG asking to from a coalalition Gov. Anyone want a coalalition Government with the Bloc in control? A Conservetive majority or the coalition. Those are the options.


                      Here in our Ontario riding the Liberals and NDP are barely even running warm bodies against our Conservative MP. A lawyer who's never done anything locally and no one's heard of and a retired teacher/union hack who pisses off everyone he speaks to including his supporters. I hope they do as well in other ridings.


                        Who is going to win the Nomination race for the CPC?

                        Ian Shields, Randall Edge or Rod Williams. What is their background?

                        Can either of them beat Ralph?

                        Will they work hard or are they sacrificial lambs looking for a sweet appointment when the CPC win?


                          Maybe we could gather a bunch of farmers to go into Regina and rid Wascana of the incumbent?


                            Hey, doesn't rocking ROD usually get involved in the liberal propaganda?

                            He should be out using cwb money to campaign for ralphie, right?




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