if the CPC DOES NOT have a plank in their election platform regarding the option of "Choice" for primary produces of western Canadian wheat and barley.
If the CPC doesn't have a plank, will both the CPC and opposition parties claim "they" do not have a mandate?
Will the CWB's purchasing of ships be reason enough, to allow the CPC to say farmers need the option to leave the CWB or belong & sell to the CWB, farmers need and deserve choice.
I've been a strong supporter of RIGHT leaning politics, but I've become very disillusioned about the interest of the CPC to make changes regarding the CWB and may I add, long arms gun control & registration.
It has me wondering, if they don't have a plank or a public comment about allowing choice, "Will I shut the drill down early, in May, to vote for the CPC again?"
If the CPC doesn't have a plank, will both the CPC and opposition parties claim "they" do not have a mandate?
Will the CWB's purchasing of ships be reason enough, to allow the CPC to say farmers need the option to leave the CWB or belong & sell to the CWB, farmers need and deserve choice.
I've been a strong supporter of RIGHT leaning politics, but I've become very disillusioned about the interest of the CPC to make changes regarding the CWB and may I add, long arms gun control & registration.
It has me wondering, if they don't have a plank or a public comment about allowing choice, "Will I shut the drill down early, in May, to vote for the CPC again?"