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Is Stevie lying about co-oposition?

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    Not a rant, just making note of the parallel argument that can be made and how foolish you sound defending the CWB and criticizing the Cons. But I suppose the truth just puts you into attack and defend mode by trying to put some down. Nice try but won't work.


      By IDIOT did you mean
      "Intrusion Detection In Our Time"

      Seems appropriate. When you come out from behind the screen name and stop being a coward then we can have a debate. Till then keep hiding and name calling.


        gregpet this sounds more like you An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. Archaically the word mome has also been used. The synonymous terms moron, imbecile, and cretin have all gained specialized meanings in modern times. An idiot is said to be idiotic, and to suffer from idiocy. A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a fool (who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/an ignorant), neither of which refer to someone with low intelligence.


          Good one stubble - you just explained most cwb supporters. Of course most of the mentaly deranged issues are b/c of old age, but hey the shoe fits.


            Stubby, this is what you have contributed so far to this post:

            "IT'S TRUE there will always be an IDIOT who turns any post into an anti CWB rant.

            gregpet this sounds more like you An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. Archaically the word mome has also been used. The synonymous terms moron, imbecile, and cretin have all gained specialized meanings in modern times. An idiot is said to be idiotic, and to suffer from idiocy. A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a fool (who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/an ignorant), neither of which refer to someone with low intelligence."

            You do not speak intelligently about a subject, instead you turn to name calling and putting someone else down. Keep hiding behind that screen name and be a brave IDIOT since you fit the definition so well.

            How do I sound to you? Do your lips move when you read or is that voice in your head that loud?


              By the way I think Iggy may be the one that is lying the most:

              I have reviewed The December 1 2008 Accord with the Liberals and NDP;

              Here is my legal interpretation

              1. It is a "Live " document and is binding on the parties.
              2. Termination - No termination by any party-- Termination only occurs on June 30th 2011
              3. Document BINDS the NDP and Liberals ( the Liberals cannot unilaterally back out of deal)-- the NDP can force compliance.
              4. Given that Michael Ignatieff signed the document-- he can not argue bad faith, or had no knowledge and as such is bound to the Agreement



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