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conservative policy

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    I hear you cotton, In my mind the only fiscal conservative is a smart fellow named Ron Paul who was unsuccesful in his run for the republicans last US election.
    More of a libertarian type

    The new issue conservatives that we have now are more of the "wink wink nod nod fiscal cons who listen to good lobbyists more than anything.


      OK... I bite.]

      The 'Conservative' part of PC... is gone... like spending $4b on an upgrader... $2b on Carbon Capture... and that is just phase one.

      THese people are proud 'Progressives' and state this openly.

      Take this new Progressive Strategy... that I have known about... as a part of bill 36:

      The Alberta government announced a plan on Wednesday that would see it set aside two million hectares, or about 20 percent of the province’s oil sands zone, for conservation—and in the process, revoke a number of oil sands leases. Sveinung Svarte, CEO of Athabasca Oil Sands, tells BNN while his company will not be significantly affected by the plan, it could potentially hurt the province’s reputation to international investors.

      “Obviously it is wrong to confiscate leases which have been legally sold, it sends a very wrong message to the investor community and business community worldwide,” he says. “Investors worldwide do get scared when leases get confiscated.”

      When asked whether Athabasca Oil Sands and other oil companies would seek legal redress in regards to the plan, he says that while it’s too early, “I wouldn’t rule it out.”

      Round one... you lose... these are NOT Conservative policies.

      Round Two: Who actually approved the Government's budget... each time since the big revolt of Nov/Dec 2008?

      The Coalition.

      As the Conservative Party of Canada had no option... but to toe the Liberano/ND/Bloc line... what else did you expect? You saw what happened in NOV 08... when PM Harper simply wanted to remove the $1.75/vote subsidy the feds pay... and run a balanced budget.

      How short our memories are!

      Cotton and Mustard... you fool no-one.


        <i>"What was the name of the federal
        government that actually cut spending?"</i>

        Failing to follow through on the promise to repeal
        the GST and balancing the budget with the
        subsequent increased taxes, hardly counts as
        cutting spending.
        Neither does failing to increase spending as
        much as they promised in election campaigns.
        How many times have they trotted out the
        "national daycare program" in their red book of
        election promises. (Not that they shouldn't have
        rejected such expensive, ill conceived promises,
        but not making them in the first place would be
        more honest.)
        They've brought back cap and trade too,
        hopefully that economy destroyer gets shoveled
        onto the pile of Liberal broken election promises
        as well.



          How quickly everyone forgot,

          The NOV 2008 Budget... Harper delivering on the election promise for a balanced budget.

          And the result?

          The Coalition went into orbit and said they knew better that the Canadians that voted for the Party with the most seats in parliament... by far... only 12 off a majority.

          Mustard... your blame of PM Harper is shallow and hollow.

          I wonder what your true motivation is... the CWB 'single desk' perhaps?


            Yes Tom, the coalition went into orbit over the
            balanced budget, and threatened to bring the
            government down if they didn't "stimulate" the

            And now they have the nerve to complain about
            the deficit. Coalition sucking and blowing at the
            same time. Pray we get a conservative majority
            or these keystone cops will form the most
            dysfunctional government Canada has ever had
            the misfortune of enduring.


              Dont try painting me for something im not.

              I have complete and utter contempt for all

              The blind faith people give is part of the big

              I wouldnt even bother with this if i didnt see the
              horrible things coming down the pipe at us .

              Reread my questions tom and think hard about
              how goofy things are.



                How Goofy things are...

                We have the best economy with best credit rating.


                  Hey buddy ol pal, buddy ol pal, buddy ol pal, Tommie4. There ya are hidin over here. How she hanging today??? On the cover it looks like Comedia has the BEST economy & BEST credit rating, BUT flip to page 91 and yous see the truth revealed. Yous in alot worse shape then yer neighbours Sout of yous. Clock is tickin, she gon go BOOM here shortly, take cover......


                    You would know?


                      Well a political nut would retort to that by
                      saying,best economy best credit rating because the
                      liberals have been in power 80% of the time.

                      My response would be greatest trove of natural
                      resource wealth per person attached to the greatest
                      empire the world has ever seen=pretty solid place
                      to be,no matter who's in charge

                      Of course the 800lb gorilla in the room is asking
                      the question"where is tom when the lights go out?"



                        Hopefully the 800lb gorilla can read!

                        "“Our Conservative Government has been consistent — we’re ‘Here for Canada,’” said Prime Minister Harper. “We’re taking action on the priorities of Canadians who work hard and play by the rules, and we’ve steered our country through the worst global economic recession since the 1930s. The next phase of our Economic Action Plan will guide us through the recovery. During this campaign, we have told Canadians about the low-tax plan that we will deliver when the budget is balanced, and we remain true to those commitments in this platform.”

                        The “Here for Canada” plan focuses on five key priorities:

                        Creating jobs through training, trade and low taxes.
                        Supporting families through our Family Tax Cut and more support for seniors and caregivers.
                        Eliminating the deficit by 2014-2015 by controlling spending and cutting waste.
                        Making our streets safe through new laws to protect children and the elderly.
                        Standing on guard for Canada by investing in the development of Canada’s North, cracking down on human smuggling and strengthening the Canadian Armed Forces.
                        Canada is emerging from the global recession as one of the world’s top-performing advanced economies. Throughout the global crisis of the past two years, the world has looked to Canada as a model and an inspiration. Through the Economic Action Plan, Stephen Harper’s Government is making the necessary investments to protect Canadians and create jobs now, while laying a strong foundation for long-term economic growth. Our low-tax plan is helping businesses create jobs. And we’re reducing taxes on hard-working Canadian families, because we understand that household budgets are tight.

                        But there is more to be done. Now is not the time for instability, or for reckless, opportunistic experiments. The global economy remains fragile, and Canadians remain concerned about their jobs and their children’s future. Stephen Harper has a plan to meet these challenges — a plan that is working — and we need to stay the course.

                        On March 22, the Stephen Harper Government presented the 2011 Budget, the Next Phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan, to Canadians. Stephen Harper’s low-tax plan for jobs and growth includes practical measures to complete our recovery and strengthen the financial security of Canadian workers, seniors and families. It also contains a plan to balance the federal budget. We make a solid commitment in our platform to eliminate the deficit a full year earlier than forecasted by reducing waste and overhead in government."

                        "The Conservative Party will be guided in its constitutional framework and its policy basis by the following principles:

                        A balance between fiscal accountability, progressive social policy and individual rights and responsibilities;
                        Build a national coalition of people who share these beliefs and who reflect the regional, cultural and socio-economic diversity of Canada;
                        Develop this coalition, embracing our differences and respecting our traditions, yet honoring a concept of Canada as the greater sum of strong parts;
                        The Conservative Party will operate in a manner accountable and responsive to its members;
                        A belief in loyalty to a sovereign and united Canada governed in accordance with the Constitution of Canada, the supremacy of democratic parliamentary institutions and the rule of law;
                        A belief in the equality of all Canadians;
                        A belief in the freedom of the individual, including freedom of speech, worship and assembly;
                        A belief in our constitutional monarchy, the institutions of Parliament and the democratic process;
                        A belief in the federal system of government as the best expression of the diversity of our country, and in the desirability of strong provincial and territorial governments;
                        A belief that English and French have equality of status, and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and Government of Canada;
                        A belief that the best guarantors of the prosperity and well-being of the people of Canada are:
                        The freedom of individual Canadians to pursue their enlightened and legitimate self-interest within a competitive economy;
                        The freedom of individual Canadians to enjoy the fruits of their labour to the greatest possible extent; and
                        The right to own property;
                        A belief that a responsible government must be fiscally prudent and should be limited to those responsibilities which cannot be discharged reasonably by the individual or others;
                        A belief that it is the responsibility of individuals to provide for themselves, their families and their dependents, while recognizing that government must respond to those who require assistance and compassion;
                        A belief that the purpose of Canada as a nation state and its government, guided by reflective and prudent leadership, is to create a climate wherein individual initiative is rewarded, excellence is pursued, security and privacy of the individual is provided and prosperity is guaranteed by a free competitive market economy;
                        A belief that the quality of the environment is a vital part of our heritage to be protected by each generation for the next;
                        A belief that Canada should accept its obligations among the nations of the world;
                        A belief that good and responsible government is attentive to the people it represents and has representatives who at all times conduct themselves in an ethical manner and display integrity, honesty and concern for the best interest of all;
                        A belief that all Canadians should have reasonable access to quality health care regardless of their ability to pay; and
                        A belief that the greatest potential for achieving social and economic objectives is under a global trading regime that is free and fair."

                        Hopefully that this information enlightens your vision... Cotton!


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