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And then there was 0ne!!!

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    okeedokee boys - ain't gonna git into it with you.


      I actually have no problem with One Earths. It's there money to do as they wish with it.

      The problem I do have is with the CEO, he needs to show a little respect to the smaller guys who have been around one heck of allot longer than his farm has.

      As far as farming native land all the power to them, that land is just like land up here it needs to be farmed to provide local jobs and feed the hungry in the world. Nearly 500 quarters of land have sold up here and for that I must give Premier Ed credit. It is good land so get those who can farm it on it. I figure if One Earth hires good experienced farm managers they could make it work. It seems to me they have people that know how to buy bulls. They in my opinion got good value for their dollars with your bulls.

      I will make a point of checking out your bulls the next time I am in the market. Likely that will be next year.

      I also see great value in Family Farms.


        Hey ALL is that 500 quarters all broke land or cow pasture???


          bush land unbroken


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