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    I did not watch the debate, but I do appreciate the youtube highlights by Francisco. Jackie most certainly and elequently thrashed Iggy. I am not really party biased but Jack gave Iggy a real "what for" on national television. ha ha.


      just getting a second round of LOL, Jackie says " Fact is, Canadians....here in Canada..decide who is going to be Prime Minister." That was classic funny, double insult to Iggys USA life and arrogance/confidence of the Liberal party.


        OK Here is my Take!
        Iggy for a super duper Ivy leaguer your stuttering and pausing etc. If that's what the liberals are trying to show us that your a statesman then they missed the Boat.
        Taliban Jack. Sorry any one who votes NDP or believes in their BS is nuts so yes Jack had some good lines but like IGGY said you'll never be in power so who cares. That hurt Iggy with the NDP Liberals who would have switched this election.
        Two step looked impressive a few years ago is old news actually was a pretty pathetic debate this time looks like he is ready to retire. Thank god.
        Harper actually I'm voting for the guy because any one who can listen to two hours of BS and bickering coming from JACK IGGY AND TWO STEP has to have power to run a country.
        He stood his ground didn't fight back and actually looked very professional.
        So here is to the retirement of JACK TWO STEP AND IGGY! Cheers boys enjoy it. you don't deserve our checks.


          Great debate due to a Moderator who did his job and a different format so everyones not talking at the same time.

          Jack layton very good job especially when asking Where the Old Stephen has gone, the One with Principals.

          Ignattief was acceptable especially pushing Harper on the Democracy issue, and how Harpers gov't has no respect for it.

          Duceppe , Reminded Harper Again that Stephen Wanted to Lead the coalition in 2004 against Paul Martin.

          Harper was shameless when this coalition of 2004 was brought up. He sounded a bit like a recording talking as if he was reading it off teleprompter.
          It was laughable when the other 3 wanted to get the auditor generals report released and he agreed.
          He knows that it can't be released till parliament is Sitting. We will then find out how corrupt this con gov't really is.


            Jack had some great lines like " I don't know why we need prisons when the crooks are so happy in the Senate"

            Iggy had a good one where he said Mr Harper you have not "earned a majority" due to lack of TRUST from the voters.
            Mr Harper did keep his cool though and didn't stray from his very well rehearsed lines

            Jack had a good example on why we need better democratic representation. The bloc gets 50 seats and the greens get 0 seats with the same number of votes.


              <b>Iggy's little red book</b>

              In attempting to wax poetically about democracy, Visiting Professor™ Michael Ignatieff decides it is wise in the leadership debate to paraphrase the most famous quote by Mao Tse-Tung, also the most prolific mass murderer in the history of mankind.

              Seems you can judge the cover of a man by the books he reads.

              So let’s close the book on Ignatieff immediately, especially when it is now blatantly obvious that his erudite and pompous elitism is staggeringly out of touch with all true Canadians.

              And he has the nerve to accuse Prime Minister Stephen Harper of “betraying democracy.”

              Spare us such twaddle.

              “Let some flowers bloom here, let democracy breathe. Let it live,” quoth Ignatieff.

              “Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend,” wrote Mao, although it is often misquoted as being 1,000 blooms.

              But it matters not.

              What matters is that Mao went on to murder through brutality and forced famine some 65-million people to secure his communism — more than Hitler, more than Stalin, more than Pol Pot, and more than all those homicidal maniacs combined.

              So when it comes to global genocide, Mao wins.

              And Ignatieff quotes him?

              Do not think, even for a second, that Ignatieff did not know who he was quoting.

              He’s an internationally-renowned scholar.

              If he quotes Trotsky, he will know intuitively he is quoting Trotsky. If he quotes Churchill, he will know he is not quoting Chamberlain.

              So do not believe him if he denies knowing his “let some flowers bloom” was vintage Mao.

              Judge him instead by what he actually said when professing to believe in the ideals of a democracy that Canadians fought for — died for, and continue to protect — so that even a Mao-quoting professor like him can run for the prime ministership of our country.

              Trust us, we will be looking closely the next time Ignatieff’s waves his little red book — just to see if it is actually the Liberals’ party platform or Mao’s.

              And so should you.



                I'm still shaking my head over count Iggy's attendance record in the house of commons. How can anyone take the man seriously if he missed 70% of the votes? That's just inexcusable.


                  Harper did not debate, he campaigned. He did not answer any questions, just responded with " just give me a majority and it will be allright". He was scared of giving the opposition any ammunition. Never really explained why we need more prisons when crime rates are dropping. Iggy could have gone after him harder but was too timid. Jack , the most experienced with nothing too lose, attacked better.


                    I have to agree Francisco, we send them there to do a job. Wonder what the attendance for all the mps is though, many times many issues are agreed or they know the amount of votes needed between the parties before they even go to vote so the outcome is determined before it happens, but still doesn't look good not going.

                    I have a question on the economy and it wasn't answered yesterday. At the occurrence of the 2008 crash at first the conservatives didn't even recognize a crash was occurring, Flaherty made that clear in announcements the gov is in great shape nothing needed to do, then the public got nervous about the fact everyone else knew the crash was happenning except gov. they still wanted to do nothing, then after the opposition basically forced them into doing a stimulus, they did, only because of the threat made by the opposition. Which brings us to today. Conservatives say trust us because of our economic policy look at how good our economy is. The fact as I see it is that it was the opposition's forced policy that helped our economy through to this point. Even now some conservatives are against the stimulus so which one is it are they for it against it or don't know. Another fact is that when the crash came it was at the beginning of the conservative reign which means our good financial position was due to the previous liberal gov. policy wasn't it?

                    Is anybody in this campaign going to talk about agriculture?


                      "Flaherty made that clear in announcements the gov is in great shape nothing needed to do, then the public got nervous about the fact everyone else knew the crash was happenning except gov. they still wanted to do nothing, then after the opposition basically forced them into doing a stimulus, they did, only because of the threat made by the opposition."

                      I suggest the feds should not have wasted billions on the so called "stimulus" and let the chips fall. Such would have let the market adjust naturally. The economy was not screwed like the US. We ended up with a socialist inspired debt on our backs. Thanks 3 stooges!


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