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Houston we have a problem

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    I think most producers realize there is big possibility of problem. My question is what is everyones back up plan? How are most going to handle it?


      I will spend more time at the lake.

      What else can you do? Go rut up the fields that may or may not dry out? And then spend a small fortune fixing the mess in the field or on equipment?

      For a crop that the investment bankers/assholes don't have a sniff about growing, devalue on a whim?


        Mbratrud,whats your opinion on the souris river?


          What am I supposed to be looking at?? Oak Hammock Marsh??? Judging by the smell of money in the air at Auction Sales, Dads pockets are deep, deep, deep. Ain't no worries if'n yous aint seed this year by the sounds of it, try again next year. Look at the bright side, yous kin spend more time at the beach playin in the sand. Heck yous ain't wanna work anyway, take a year off, looks like yous need a rest..........


            This photo is taken between Weyburn and Estevan Sask.

            I think with the water problems expanding from the problems that were seen in East Central Sask last year to the SE,SW Parts of Alberta and the Red River Valley 8 Million Acres unseeded last year will look like a walk in the park.

            On the bright side when we do the math if a guy can get 30 - 50% seeded and do better off those acres due to higher prices, and then collect our $70 per acre on unseeded, most guys can live another day. And spend a little more time at the lake. Which happens to be out my front door.

            Maybe it will slow down the inflation on Input and Equipment costs, but Judging from Auction Sales that may not happen.

            CP - This cold weather is helping the river catch up. I think its dropped about 6 inches in the last few days. There is still a lot of water to make the river. North of us the is millions of gallons that have not started to run. I would expect when we return to higher temps the river will be up again. If we ever return to higher temps? What does it look like South of town?

            I would say today in our area around Weyburn without a drastic change in weather 1/3 of the land wont get seeded. I would say that number will climb dramitically if we don't see a 14 day moisture free stretch soon.


              On the positive side. Now us farming
              Comedians kin really get into this
              ELECTION thing and truly make a
              difference. Notice that not, one tiny,
              tiny, miniscule little phrase has been
              utter about Gag this time. Guess they
              take out Conservative vote fer grant, or
              there are so few of us left out here in
              the boonies none of them give a Sh-t
              about us. Wait'll the price of their
              Shreddies climbs, later this year!!!!


                Only way ag will get big play time is if stomachs are hungry. Maybe food riots?
                Not going to happen here.
                Prices have to get way higher for the other 98% non farmers to notice.
                Houses, vacation trips and grownup toys are much more important than a little thing like eating.


                  By spending time at the lake, I meant my farm. It will be just a matter of picking which one and what to name it.

                  Good thing they have a rebate on low flow toilets in this province considering how much water is being flushed away.

                  If water is so important, hopefully someone starts thinking about what can be done. The other extreme is going to show up and we could all be wishing Saskatchewan had a better water plan.


                    can seed be sown by plane effectively on that swamp?


                      This area is crawling with "floater", fertilizer applicators on huge tires, if drills won't work.
                      Have these worked acceptably for anyone last year?
                      What seed rate and tillage if any?


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