On the positive side. Now us farming
Comedians kin really get into this
ELECTION thing and truly make a
difference. Notice that not, one tiny,
tiny, miniscule little phrase has been
utter about Gag this time. Guess they
take out Conservative vote fer grant, or
there are so few of us left out here in
the boonies none of them give a Sh-t
about us. Wait'll the price of their
Shreddies climbs, later this year!!!!
Comedians kin really get into this
ELECTION thing and truly make a
difference. Notice that not, one tiny,
tiny, miniscule little phrase has been
utter about Gag this time. Guess they
take out Conservative vote fer grant, or
there are so few of us left out here in
the boonies none of them give a Sh-t
about us. Wait'll the price of their
Shreddies climbs, later this year!!!!