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Houston we have a problem

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    From our experience those things can only go in so much mud also. the guy here quit getting stuck and shut it down last year. He has a three wheeled terrogator. They don't actually float in water either lol! As long as you can get the seed covered relatively soon after should work. But it also can make a real mess of fields. Mind you are fields the ones we seeded are ruts end to end any how maybe if we float in opposite direction we can make a checkerboard for the aliens lol.

    I think there are some 4 wheel drive ones but they made hell of ruts the couple of fields I saw. The later rains on that saturated soil there was very poor crop anyways. Maybe to keep it light just apply the seed and then broadcast fertilizer later. I don't like that idea because if you don't get to put the fertilizer on in time it's a waste I think anyhow. just my observations it really depends on the weather after you get the floating done. You guys think this is bad, try doing it 4 out of 6 years.

    Anyone else getting interested in making politcians that want to get elected interested in what is gonna happen here and the fact the programs are not gonna cut it all for many.


      Is June 20th still a realistic final seeding date given the earlier frosts the last few years?


        My two cents worth is if you are like freewheat and have over 300 bucks coverage float it on plane it on what ever, but be sure to contact crap insurance before you do because some of them don't think that is suitable seeding practice, depends what adjuster you get and that also is based upon experiences around here.

        For the rest of us that have no decent coverage and not a chance at agristability working we are screwed no matter what happens if we cannot get on the land til mid june, and no one representing us.

        I think our ag minister should make a statement about the floating issue before seeding seeing as how that may be the only way at all on some fields at least to get some seed on, maybe the extreme situation should make some extreme changes to crap insurance.

        In all reality anything seeded after 5th of June chances not good and the yield likely not there anyways. I know there have been exceptions but realistically not in our favor.


          the fly in the ointment re floating a crop on is- if it doesn't establish you just get reseeding benefits, $50/acre.
          putting a crop into mud after a summer like last year- 47 inches of rain and 4 feet of snow is just throwing good money after bad imho. unless you go cheap, bin run seed, brown bag canola, no fert and hit it with roundup to keep weeds out till crop gets written off


            What concerns me is, after last year and for some the last two yrs, even the early crops were feed and the late seeded were feed and poor yield. Crop ins had a knee jerk reaction in the spring by extending seeding dates and I think it hurt a lot more than it helped.

            With all this moisture and later seeding I think we are being set up for another desease problem during growing season and possibility of frost, hurting grades and yields again.

            I am not trying to be negative but just thinking that it would be nice if contingency plans were in place before the knee jerk reactions of gov't again.

            I like the point that if it isn't in by June 2nd we shouldn't have to seed and risk losing another crop to feed and poor yields. Rather than being forced to seed later and having a crop failure of sorts, again that has an adverse affect on our crop ins. and on our reputation in the world market for supplying top quality pulses, canola and wheat.


              I couldn't careless about the End Customer. I care about me, myself, & I. If'n my crop makes feed, oh well, at least I got a crop to sell & I am gon eat this winter. If'n yous put half the effort into growing a crop that yous put into filling out these welfare Gag programs, trying to screw Crop Insurance each & every way, etc., etc., who knows what yous could accomplish. Maybe, I said MAYBE even beat my own yield records.......


                wmoebis, if the crop ins date for planting has been extended, do you interpret that as being forced to continue to plant up to the extended date if conditions are suitable???
                I've always thought it meant that if you WANTED to continue planting, Crop Ins would cover your crops up to the extended date, providing you with coverage for crops planted later than would normally be allowed.
                I've never understood that you HAVE TO continue planting, especially if conditions are challenging. I'm willing to stand corrected if I'm wrong.


                  Ye FORCED was a poor choise of words. Maybe should have read "offered oportunity".

                  On the other side: What would the out come be if I decided not to seed after June 2nd because it was too wet at that date and I didn't want to risk lower yields and crop damage from disease and weather by seeding later? Would one still be covered under the TOO WET program or would one be told he had until the 20th to seed and wasn't covered.

                  Given the last number of years, later crops have suffered in my area more from later seeding than earlier. On average.

                  Guess I should ask my Crop Ins.


                    Some snow left,have heard a rumor that spill way has
                    been closed at nickel and down further south because
                    the americans don't want anymore water?Might drive
                    over and have a peak to see if that is true-that would
                    have horrible consequences for us.


                      Went kite skiing yesterday. some places the snow is a few feet deep. We got a long way to go. NE alberta.


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