From our experience those things can only go in so much mud also. the guy here quit getting stuck and shut it down last year. He has a three wheeled terrogator. They don't actually float in water either lol! As long as you can get the seed covered relatively soon after should work. But it also can make a real mess of fields. Mind you are fields the ones we seeded are ruts end to end any how maybe if we float in opposite direction we can make a checkerboard for the aliens lol.
I think there are some 4 wheel drive ones but they made hell of ruts the couple of fields I saw. The later rains on that saturated soil there was very poor crop anyways. Maybe to keep it light just apply the seed and then broadcast fertilizer later. I don't like that idea because if you don't get to put the fertilizer on in time it's a waste I think anyhow. just my observations it really depends on the weather after you get the floating done. You guys think this is bad, try doing it 4 out of 6 years.
Anyone else getting interested in making politcians that want to get elected interested in what is gonna happen here and the fact the programs are not gonna cut it all for many.
I think there are some 4 wheel drive ones but they made hell of ruts the couple of fields I saw. The later rains on that saturated soil there was very poor crop anyways. Maybe to keep it light just apply the seed and then broadcast fertilizer later. I don't like that idea because if you don't get to put the fertilizer on in time it's a waste I think anyhow. just my observations it really depends on the weather after you get the floating done. You guys think this is bad, try doing it 4 out of 6 years.
Anyone else getting interested in making politcians that want to get elected interested in what is gonna happen here and the fact the programs are not gonna cut it all for many.