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Anybody filling out the SaskFlax survey?

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    Anybody filling out the SaskFlax survey?

    Where are the questions leading us to?

    Funny, no questions about who we think is at fault regarding Triffid. No questions about what we think should be done to those that have contaminated the whole system. No questions about what action we think should be pursed to those that have caused 10's of millions of dollars worth of injury to the flax industry. No questions on the survey, about whether we think the names of the seed growers involved with Triffid should be revealed, allowing us to make better purchasing decisions. Just a couple of questions that I think, wouldn't be out of place on that survey.

    IT is not about the Farmer or Causers. Its about having total control over the grain industry, gist like yous see wit the Cow Industry. It'll eventually be comin to all grains. Watch them in Canola wit China sayin we's ain't want no Canola wit Black Leg. Could very easily turn into a BIG Governement Bureaucracy at the stroke of a Pen. The Good ole days are all but gone, why??? Yous voted'em in, deal wit the consequences.........


      Don't fill out or due any surveys any
      more. Why give angribusiness any
      information. When was the lat time they
      gave yous anything? They got computers,
      they kin google you and your Comedian farm
      to see whats goin on ifn they want ta....


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