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$7.00 a Gallon Gas Coming???

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    $7.00 a Gallon Gas Coming???

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8aNhy_gHb0 - Jim Tucker Interview

    “By the end of the year 2012,” Tucker told Jones, “they (the Bilderbergers and the elite) want us paying $7 a gallon for gasoline… what they want to do is bring the American standard of living down to the standard of the so-called third world… they want the whole world to have the same standard of living.”

    In 2007, Jose Barroso, president of the European Commission and a Bilderberg member, called for a “post-industrial revolution” under the guise of eliminating so-called greenhouse gases. The failed 2009 Copenhagen climate summit was an effort to impose a lower standard of living on the United States and much of the Western world.

    In order to usher in the a new feudal society and implement authoritarian control over humanity, the global elite must slash the standard of living across the board. They plan to this through the United Nations and Agenda 21 and demands for “sustainable development.”

    Maurice Strong, a commissioner of the World Commission on Environment and Development at the United Nations, spelled out the Brave New World the elite have in mind for us when he stated that “current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”

    In 2005, Tucker and fellow Bilderberg sleuth and author Daniel Estulin cited inside sources that indicated oil prices would double within a year.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4 - Obama says prices will necessarily skyrocket


      You don't need complex conspiracy
      theories. Ggas isn't going up.
      Purchasing power is going down. Three
      generations of a people voting for
      whoever will give them the most did
      this. And it sure the hjell is going
      past 7


        English Please. I kin't read Morse Code.....


          $7.00 gas is great. Don't forget guys-we as farmers are in the oil business through ethenol and biodiesel.The price that we will get for our canola and wheat will far outweigh the fuel bill increase!


            Yes that is unfortunate isn't it. Even though I LOVE Money & all the joy & happiness that comes wit it, I am smart enough to see the writing on the Wall. If'n we were to use EVERY last spec of ALL the grain on Earth, we would only be able to satisfy 10% of the Worlds Fuel Needs. That in itself tells me ain't gon work & yous livin a Pipe Dream gist to feel good about yerselves. Now that we used up all the grain what yous gon Eat??? Algae is THEE only one that could potentially supply all our fuel needs on A very small area. Don't fergit Steve wit $7 a gallon gas comes higher everything from inputs to yer wife's wine habit, all gon be higher..........


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