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Any one add Jumpstart to there Canola seed?

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    Any one add Jumpstart to there Canola seed?

    We have used it with peas for cold soils and some positives mostly not much more than that. But this spring lots of guys are adding it to their canola seed because of the wet cold ground. Any one tried it and how did they do. It adds about 8 per bag for machine and man and 90Cents a lb for product so roughly 1.00 pound more.

    In cool wet soils germ has been way quicker in this area with jumpstart.


      i'm sure if you spend enough money you can beat whatever mother nature throws at you.


        It will only help if you have high pH soil and/or low levels/application rates of P. Ortho P on the seed is better for beating the cold.


          What a freaking MONEY GRAB. P ain't git yer crop off to an early start, IT is most likely the extra N that gives the boost yous seein. I would sooner take that $5 - $6 an acre yer spending on Jumpstart and put that towards N infurrow. Believe Me.............


            Magic Silver Bullet solutions seldom work.
            Mother nature will decide, if'n yer gonna
            get a crop er not. The more you spend,
            the more you MAY lose on a year like this.
            Wet, wet and more wet. Plantin in mud
            isn't a good thing at the best of


              You know I hate to agree with BTO and Burpfart but the more I look at it the cost doesn't pencil out. We are adding anhydrous at 100lbs acre plus a blend of 11-51 plus 21-0024 plus 46 with the seed. IT's getting close to 40 p so probably will not add. Frick are we wet drove around with mechanical and sunk a few times bucket got me out. Water every fricking place.


                Two big outfits here built a machine to blend/coat the canola with a fert blend. I will check out further, thought it was for the micro's


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