OK here we go again something that was put together in March for may first delivery. Yea I was in Florida when they phoned and only really interested in Mickey Mouse. Oh I guess that's Stats Canada.
Any way here is what were going to seed.
19.2 million acres of canola in 2011, up 14.3% or 2.4 million acres from the previous record set in 2010 at 16.8 million acres.
OK here is my thought Were pooched due to record moisture so if were 30% flooded and rest of province is 15% flooded then average a drop in total area by 15% = 16.3 million acres or same as last year. That's under no more rain scenario.
Prairie durum wheat area could rise by 60.3% or 1.9 million acres to 5.1 million acres in 2011.
Yea that's going to happen. But south is wet so yields could be a problem. if it stays wet.
The area intended to be seeded to barley and oats are also expected to increase in 2011. At the national level, farmers anticipate seeding 7.8 million acres of barley, up 13.4% compared with the 6.9 million acres seeded in 2010. Similarly, acres seeded to oats could reach 4.1 million acres, an increase of 39.3% over 2010.
This one has me puzzled I felt oats and barley would be way down. Oh I guess I was wrong. Oh well.
Any way here is what were going to seed.
19.2 million acres of canola in 2011, up 14.3% or 2.4 million acres from the previous record set in 2010 at 16.8 million acres.
OK here is my thought Were pooched due to record moisture so if were 30% flooded and rest of province is 15% flooded then average a drop in total area by 15% = 16.3 million acres or same as last year. That's under no more rain scenario.
Prairie durum wheat area could rise by 60.3% or 1.9 million acres to 5.1 million acres in 2011.
Yea that's going to happen. But south is wet so yields could be a problem. if it stays wet.
The area intended to be seeded to barley and oats are also expected to increase in 2011. At the national level, farmers anticipate seeding 7.8 million acres of barley, up 13.4% compared with the 6.9 million acres seeded in 2010. Similarly, acres seeded to oats could reach 4.1 million acres, an increase of 39.3% over 2010.
This one has me puzzled I felt oats and barley would be way down. Oh I guess I was wrong. Oh well.