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Where did they go?

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    Where did they go?

    Ever since the election was forced down our throats we have had to read numerous, endless rants against the conservatives by someone named rider something and a few others.

    A week ago they disappeared. What happened? Was that actually ralph in disguise? Is he drowning his sorrows with the polling of the liberals? What about the other liberal cheerleaders? Changed teams to orange? If they actually do farm, did they hit the field?

    God help us all if we go back to a conservative minority only.

    With these options ,it`s God help us all ,period..







        I agree we needed a majority and unless the Dippers and libs split the vote and the conservatives come up the middle we will be back to a minority situation with Taliban Jack as the official opposition. Then he with the Block help will bring down the government and form a coalition of the block the dippers and libs Hm can you say "Fup western Canada once and for all"


          harper was hoping the ndp would siphon off liberal support and they did but a little too well. what's happening here is what happened in the states where voters were polarized and pushed out of the center and into the left or right so the liberals suffered, the ndp gained and harper hasn't become any more attractive to voters.


            Tip for the day: if cons want a majority then find a new leader


              It appears to me that if you want voter support anywhere but western canada you either never talk about your actual policy or plans, or you make impossible promises for endless government money. Both at the same time seems to make eastern voters happy.

              Obviously the leader doesn't matter.

              The media down east has poisoned the well so badly that voters are willing to give the checkbook to a guy that has never worked for anyone but government, or another guy who has never invested his own money in the stock market. This is what canada has been broken down to?


                Wow what paranoia. Some of us really actually work for a living not by getting our big shot buddies into government then getting the inside story on big business deals so we can sit on our ass. It may not happen this round but it has become apparrent more people that cannot make a go of it while the extreme right milllionaires live like the royals thing, may eventually come back in balance from the current bullshit state it is in.

                You still don't get it do you guys? What did I say would happen? You extreme nut balls on the right are gonna be revealed, or I should say people eventually will open their eyes. But problem is the more people see the extremism the more the right nutballs buy off Quebec etc, just to get in. The extreme dicktator will win a majority, not sure which of the hookers will next party on the hill with the rest of the con-victs put into government positions and other positions with the hookers, lol. But what an emberrassment for our country to elect someone like that at all forget what party or anything else.

                The reason Layton is getting the support is because he is saying things that the every day family wants to hear, almost desperately needs to hear, and that someone there is gonna try represent them the everyday person, and not big business banks or oilmen, hookers, or convicts that use their influence on the hill to "screw" over the general population, all in the name of "we are really taking your money for big business because making ourselves and our buddies millionaires is for your own good" bullshit.

                Yep I am Ralph Goodale lol, that comment just reveals how extreme of a paranoid rightwing nutball some are, doesn't it? You really worried about some hill billy east central farmer? lol lol

                What will happen monday who knows, but more people are seeing that the conservative party is really the reform party trying to buy off ontario and quebec just enough to get in with a majority so that their oil buddy and big business,and bank friends can rule with an iron fist at the expense of the rest of us.

                what a choice we have, harper and hookers, iggy and chretien, layton and ? Maybe people hate the hookers and chretien so much that the ? seems most attractive!


                  my guess is that if harper gets a majority and brings forward a reform agenda it will hurt the conservatives for years to come and that won't be a good thing either. it would be nice to see someone open-minded and pragmatic get in there but i'm not sure there's any of that element in canadian politics right now. i thought that's what the conservatives were supposed to be but the reform takeover has put in place an ideology driven party that has no concept of making a nation work. they just want to impose their agenda on the whole country. people sense that and distrust harper's leadership.


                    wow, rightwing nutball, hillbilly eastcentral farmer, sounds like commy left wing comments to me. take it easy rider.


                      So if you are not into prostitutes, convicts, mps with no say, a dicktator huddled in a room with reform advisors on the hill you are a commie? lol

                      from hillbilly farmer from east central sask and proud of it!!!


                        It is quite laughable how the true nutball continues to refer to Prime Minister Harper as an extreme dictator. A man and a party who's platform has been to lower taxes, keep murderers and rapists behind bars and give western Canadian farmers the right to market their own grain. The alternative to this would be a NDP led coalition with the Liberals and Bloq with the primary objective to transfer wealth and power back to eastern Canada at the expense of the West. It seems to me Canada has never been more polarized from right to left, west to east. The true emberassment is that there are people here that are willing to go back to being the sheep of a Government all about Qeubec and Ontario.


                          Yes reformer lord! hail steve, hail steve, hail steve!

                          Sure glad he got rid of the cwb 4 years ago, wait a minute he didn't, now why is that? Lower taxes for oil industry yeah boy do they need a break those oil men look at that low price at the pumps man they need a break don't they.

                          Maybe he will lower their taxes to 0 that way they can take the money they should have paid in taxes and donate it for the new stadium and then parade around and tell us, see how big oil is so generous.


                            http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PvaNWrkFeQ - Stick this is yer Pipe & Smoke it Rider2010


                              <i>"So if you are not into prostitutes, convicts,
                              mps with no say, a dicktator huddled in a room
                              with reform advisors on the hill you are a
                              commie? lol  "</i>

                              It never ceases to amaze me how some people
                              just can't see the hypocrisy in their rhetoric.  The
                              fertile imagination of those out to steer this
                              country ever further to the left knows no bounds.  
                              It doesn't matter what facts come out after an
                              accusation is made against anyone on the right.  
                              The original slur is repeated until everyone is
                              convinced the slander is true.  

                              On the other side of the political spectrum, facts
                              are concealed and spin is applied until the
                              character of any left of center politician is
                              completely whitewashed.  

                              Harper is slandered with some story about
                              hookers and cocaine that one of his MPs (now
                              former MP) was supposed to be involved in.  No
                              evidence, no charges, huge story.

                              Layton himself is caught naked in an all-night
                              "massage parlour" (*****house) and the story is
                              buried, and sanitized.  Not to mention his living in
                              taxpayer subsidized housing while collecting a 6
                              figure government salary.  Evidence buried for 15
                              years and no story.  Sanitized by a friendly

                              Open your eyes, it's your choice.
                              Prime Minister Layton versus Prime Minister


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