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Taliban Jack

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    Taliban Jack


    I saw a little 'Adler' last night.

    He had a Toronto Lady on about Jack and Jill.

    They spent over $1M of the CDN's public money last year...!

    They lived in subsidised co-op housing when in Toronto city hall for years... until embarrased out by media. Residents (were very happy) and held a big party when they left...

    Jack used to follow Toronto limos on his bike... that he used to haul his papers... was one of the biggest users of the Toronto limo fleet.

    Jack is threatning to legislate gas prices... and tell the Bank of Canada where to set interest rates?

    Cap and Trade green house gas Credits... take billions out of Industry to fund programs!!!

    Promises Quebec virtually everything the seperatists asked for... at our expense!!! RCMP on patrol must speak french... right across Canada!

    Do folks actually know who this guy is???

    "Layton denies Sun Media's massage parlour allegations
    29/04/2011 10:19:14 PM
    CTV.ca News Staff
    NDP Leader Jack Layton says he's the victim of a smear from Sun Media, which is alleging that Layton was found at a Toronto massage parlour in 1996.
    http://news.sympatico.ctv.ca/home/layton_denies_sun_medias_massage_parlour_allegatio ns/c9e50fb7

    "We're just going to keep up the campaign right through to the end and call for that change," he added.
    A lawyer for the NDP issued a letter to Sun Media that threatened legal action if the allegations were printed in the company's newspapers. The story is already on Sun Media's website.
    "The facts are that Mr. Layton had obtained a massage from a massage therapist, but had no knowledge whatsoever that the therapist's location may have been used for illicit purposes," wrote laywer Brian Iler. "He does recall being advised by the police at the time that he did nothing wrong, but that the location was questionable, and to be stayed away from. Mr. Layton gave the officer his name and address, and nothing further happened.
    "Any statement or inference that Mr. Layton's actions or behaviour was other than the facts stated above would be without any factual basis, would clearly be made with malice, and ought not to be published."
    Layton's wife, fellow Toronto NDP MP Olivia Chow, said she was aware of the incident and her husband had done nothing wrong.
    "In the last hours of this election, this is nothing more than a smear campaign in an attempt to question my husband's character," Chow said in a statement.
    The incident happened when Layton was a Toronto city councillor. Chow noted that the massage clinic in question was a licensed establishment with the city of Toronto, and that her husband frequently received massages as part of his fitness regimen.
    "Sixteen years ago, my husband went for a massage at a massage clinic that is registered with the City of Toronto. He exercises regularly; he was and remains in great shape; and he needed a massage," Chow said.
    "No one was more surprised than my husband when the police informed him of allegations of potential wrong doing at this establishment. He told me about the incident after it happened."
    The allegations surfaced Friday evening, less than three days before Canadians head to the polls. The NDP, under Layton's leadership, have been riding a large wave of support that has put them second behind the Conservatives.
    Chow stressed that any "any insinuation of wrongdoing on the part of my husband is completely and utterly false, which is why after 16 years and 8 election campaigns that my husband has campaigned in, this has never been an issue."
    Chow further linked the allegations to politics, noting that "this is another reason why politics in this country need to change and on Monday, Canadians will have their chance to do just that."

    WOW... how stupid does he think we are? Taliban Jack Denies he did what he admits he did... and will sue... if the SUN prints this? !

    Does everyone forget the Taliban negotiation deal...?

    Canada will get the government we deserve... if we elect this Communist Dictator!

    What did i say the other day about the people starting to squirm , even conservatives.

    I thought that was the plan, let the NDP
    rise at the expense of the liberals.

    now what does Adler ( Canada's Glen Beck)
    come up with that jack went for a massage 16 years ago .

    Or better yet , a Taliban connection
    However misrepresented.

    Smear campaign, esp. after the shinning light example of Conservative Brain Mulroney
    100 thousand cash in envelopes

    Attack the policy's if you like
    , but fraud and corruption are pretty much a liberal /conservative thing
    Don't get me wrong
    the NDP has it's share of dick heads
    and opportunists as well.

    It all reeks of desperation ,you liked a politically dumb electorate when it voted Conservative/Liberal , why not now?


      Sawfly why to NDP's feel their so superior in the public eye then screw you in the back after the cameras are off. Every single one of them is holy upon holy on Sunday and pray over you the rest of the week.
      Jack like a little extra Sushi and calls it a massage hey hes a dipper who got caught and will lie lie lie and deny all the way along.
      Hey when the pants are around his ankles what was he getting a massage on.


        A new conservative scandal comes out Every week And this is All they can come up with on Jack.

        The Ndp unlike the cons and liberals have a pretty clean slate when it comes to ethics

        Calling the election at this time might backfire on the cons. ANd YES THEY WERE THE ONES who Wanted the Election, by doing everything to get opposition to not have confidence in THEM.
        Way ahead in Polls at the time so lets act like assholes (contempt of parliament)and get the opposition to call us on it.

        Tell you what guys if Cons want a majority government in the future, then get rid of that asshole who is your Leader


          You have to be kidding right.
          Yea Your man Dwaynie is really ethical. WOW mustard you never cease to amaze me.


            Being in contempt of a parliamentary committee
            set up by "naked massage Jack Layton" should
            be a badge of honour.

            Setting aside character issues, the bigger issue is
            that any NDP led government would be ruinous
            to the Canadian economy.
            The exaggerated, overblown, and made up
            entirely - scandals about the Tories won't matter
            either to the economy after May 2. While it's
            entirely entertaining to see the tables turned on
            the never ending search for scandals by the Left;
            the big issue is, and has always been the
            disastrous consequences to Canada of electing
            these loons to government.


              Jack will have all his Union warriors run a jiahad against big corporation. Then watch the jobs leave Canada.


                It happend in Sask, and it will happen for the rest of Canada. Sask was a waste pit with people leaving in droves under the NDP. They screwed up every possible government joint venture. F@#kin unions will ruin this country, just like they almost ruined Sask. If I ran my farm like peole run/ work in unions I would have been broke 15 years ago.


                  For those who pride themselves on their abilty to separate needs from wants,
                  and have not been insolvent, Harper has proven to be a competent leader as
                  shown by the following expenses claimed by various MP's.

                  For the most recent 12 month on-line report on MP expenses (excluding salaries) here is a sample:


                  Jack Layton $628,913
                  Olivia Chow $530,304 ( Jack's wife!)
                  Megan Leslie $502,279
                  Pat Martin $508,773


                  Michael Ignatieff $570,984


                  Steven Harper $281,255
                  Peter MacKay $392,660.
                  The highest expense claim award goes to Jack Layton , leader of the NDP, followed by Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberals. Just think how much more these two could suck out of taxpayers if they ever got into power! Jack & Olivia (one family) managed to take over one million dollars in expenses in a 12 month period out of the public purse! Jack should ask Sheila Fraser the Auditor General to legitimize these exhorbitant "expenses" submitted by NDP members. Don't forget, these expenses are in addition to a MINIMUM of $147,700 per MP in salary dollars.!

                  HOw you spend other peoples money is a view on core belief, in my opinion!


                    Taliban Jack-i find that to be an offensive slur on a
                    respectable man-but "Rub and Tug Jack"-thats just
                    plain funny,lol.


                      The cons and the Libs have no one to blame for this fiasco but themselves. The seeds for this were sown when the Reform party took over the PC party. No good deed is ever left unpunished. The deceit and trickery has lasted to the present day with the American character assination type campaign the cons started a year ago. In the quest for a majority they have destroyed Iggy, but they have exposed their own weakness. They have shown Parliament is an inconvenience to them. Now the Canadian people may show them that Parliament runs the country , not he Cons or the Libs. I don't want a Jack led government but the Cons and the Libs need to be taught a lesson in Politics 101.


                        Just think about the good that will come
                        outta this eeelection. Iggy will be gone,
                        which is a positive. Harpie may throw a
                        fit and vacate as well. At any rate we'll
                        be gettin more good Comedian government.
                        Kin Gag get much more f'd up da ya think?


                          Said the first time voters were going to swing this election at the last couple weeks. Bad news I said is they seem to like Jack. Seems to have come true. Conservatives campaign stategy of name calling and dirt adds have turned off new voters and think Jack is Mr. nice guy. So just keep it up guys.


                            JOE WARMINGTON | TORONTO SUN

                            TORONTO - Prime Minister Jack Layton?
                            Say it ain't so.

                            The latest polls not only say it could be so but also have the other terrified parties scrambling.

                            According to the Forum Research poll, the NDP-led Layton has 31%, just behind Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives' 34% and nine points ahead of Michael Ignatieff's Liberals.

                            Some say the NDP could grab 108 seats to the Tories projected 147 to the Liberals potential 60 with the Bloc hanging on to just three.

                            The math shows an accord of some kind could put the new opposition leader in a position to form a government.

                            But even more concerning to Harper is that the NDP are just three points behind which means, with five days to go, anything can happen.

                            One thing everyone agrees on is that Layton is surging.

                            However, University of Toronto political scientist Dr. Nelson Wiseman qualifies it by saying the polls also show the Conservative vote to be solid. He says Layton's upswing is coming from Liberal and Bloc Quebecois voters which could create splits that should benefit Harper.

                            "But anything is possible which is why this election so exciting," Wiseman said.

                            The new polls certainly have got Harper's and Ignatieff's attention and Gilles Duceppe's, too.

                            Harper said Wednesday "do you trust our government to keep this country moving in the direction it's moving, or do you trust the economy in the hands of the NDP and their partners?"

                            The desperate Ignatieff solicited the help of former prime minister Jean Chretien at a North York rally Wednesday.

                            Canadians don't seem to warm up to either federal leader.

                            While Harper has done a sound job on the economy, taxpayers also see they are burdened with $1.32 per litre of gas, that thousands of jobs have disappeared to China and Mexico and that there will be billions spent on fighter jets out of their family's budget in the years to come to help people in places like Libya.

                            And for people in the GTA, they know what an embarrassing and expensive waste the whole G8/G20 Summit mess was and understand none of that was Jack Layton's fault.

                            As for Ignatieff, his arrogance toward Layton was brutal during the debate when he said he would never been in any position but opposition. Iggy doesn't decide that. The voters do.

                            His high-brow imperiousness reared its ugliness again Wednesday when he sent an open letter to Quebec in which he said "the NDP...has neither the team nor the experience to govern."

                            But what he doesn't mention is he himself has been out of the country for 30 years while Layton's experience has been serving as a city councillor and federal member and who comes from a family where both his father and grandfather were elected politicians in Quebec.

                            Harper and Ignatieff are good men but, for many Canadians, Layton is more likeable.

                            Harper and Ignatieff are not as unlikable as some portray but Jack really is a guy who would go to a pub to watch a hockey game or hang out at the Taste of the Danforth.

                            In my Night Scrawler days I saw him all the time out doing regular things.

                            And he's accessible. If I need him for a column, he calls me back. I don't much like his politics but I like him.

                            Maybe some of that affability has rubbed off on those being polled.

                            During Mayor Rob Ford's campaign so many people laughed at the thought of him winning. If voters have something to say, they will say it no matter what the pundits crow.

                            Of course Canadians will decide for real what all this really means Monday but there's no question if regular folks ever had a chance to send a message to big government, it's now.

                            If you want the federal 10-cents a litre tax grab off each litre of gas, now is the time to demand it.

                            Harper, or one of the other leaders, have five days to promise to reduce it. If you want tougher scrutiny on big banks, corporations and communications companies for their abusive and sneaky user fees and hidden charges, now is time to hammer it home.

                            Jack Layton may not become prime minister. But the very thought that he may, could force whoever does to commit to some changes.

                            Join SUN FORCE today. Share your photos and vidoes



                              Agstar77 said<i>”The deceit and trickery has lasted to the present day with the American character assination type campaign the cons started a year ago.”</i>

                              Character assassination is hardly “American type”, it’s as Canadian as CBC, but has been used exclusively against only the right side of the political spectrum. I doubt this story would have ever have seen the light of day had it not been for Sun News.

                              And it started long before a year ago. The media fabricated and propagated the “hidden agenda” narrative that was flouted by both politicians and Canadian media and was used exclusively to denigrate politicians on the “right”. It even goes back to Robert Stanfield who was caught on tape dropping a football, and smeared with the “bumbler” label by every media outlet in Canada after that. Stephane Dion does the same thing and the media ignores it – move along, no story here. The incredible bias against “right” politicians has been normalized in Canada to the point where if a scandal involving a left wing politician breaks, only then does “shock media”, or negative campaigning becomes an issue to draw attention away from any possible scandal that might ensue.

                              The bias is so entrenched that truth no longer matters. The double standard is this: Bad stories about left wing politicians show the evil of shock media and negative campaigning, and the same or a similar story about right wing politicians demonstrates the evil of anything “right”. Ask Maxine Bernier.

                              Imagine if any politician in the Conservative Party (let alone the leader), was ever <b>caught naked in a known bawdy house by the vice squad</b>. CBC, CTV and every newspaper in Canada would have had the front page/lead story reserved for days, if not weeks on the matter. They mentioned it, ignoring the more sordid details, like the fact that Layton was found naked, which he had no explanation for at the time, or that the young girl he was with had a wet tissue in her hand when the vice squad broke in. Instead they give very little details, and play statements from Jack and Olivia instead.
                              Damage control and providing cover for one side of the political spectrum = propaganda.


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