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Taliban Jack

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    I love it the Little ps ant got caught with his pants down.


      http://www.youtube.com/user/hijackednation#p/a/u/0/6e72EhTtSh0 - American Cannibalism


        at least it's exciting.
        in this safe Conservative seat, my
        vote does not mean much.

        Keep hope for a minority of any kind.

        less arrogance & corruption
        (liberals )
        less bad stuff gets done
        just think if Harper had a majority when Bush invaded Iraq. the Billions $ and lives that would have been

        A strong opposition vote might keep
        Harper's grubby mitts out of medicare, or turning us into a fundamentalist christian north.

        Ndp majority , not very likely and that would be bad too.
        the dollar might drop 10-15 cents
        . that actually might be good


          Speaking of war-looks like we killed quadaffi's son
          and three kids-classy.


            Hadn't planned on voting tomorrow; but I guess a person should.
            This smells of blackmail tactics; and the efforts of desperate persons who fear they are on the verge of losing their entitlements.


              You know the expense thing like alot of things, needs some clarification before you can look and put meaning to the numbers. It is good to bring up who has the most and the top what ever, but some mp down at the bottom who does diddly squat other than pick their nose and try to hit the passing flies with it, may not charge as much but may be ripping us off more than someone that is actually busy doing something for their constituents. Not defending it but I think more info needs to be given about why the expense is what it is, rather than only the total for mps of all parties.

              But it is a good example of some of the things we all should be looking at when determining who to vote for. It is a real shame when some try to hide the facts from being presented to us the public so we can make these informed decisions.


                Your absolutely right rider and that is why the post by haveapulse and fjlip on another thread are so annoying. Either these two have no idea what they are talking about and are just repeating something they heard and believe to be gospel or they are delibertly trying to to mislead readers of this list. I have little respect for anyone practicing either!

                Have you followed the link I posted earlier? It breaks down the expenses of every MP. And it is not just for travel as fjlip suggests. In fact, travel is relatively minor for most MPs. Constituency offices and staff and keeping their costituents informed are much bigger costs. Layton and Chow have to offices in each of their constituencies and they have to travel to each, and they have to mail to different consituencies so their costs should be double. Here is the link again: http://www.parl.gc.ca/PublicDisclosure/MemberExpenditures.aspx?

                I again urge people to go to this site and get the facts about MP expenses. They are not at all the issue haveapulse and fjlip are making them out to be. Or if they are an issue and should be considered when voting - I don't see how anyone could support the Conservatives.


                  Bin Laden dead

                  http://regina.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110501/obama-national-security-110501/20110502?hub=Regina&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_med ium=twitter


                    Is Steven Fletcher handicapped,in a wheelchair 24/7,having special travelling needs,and assigned a special assistant?



                      I am surprised Jack praised the death of Osama bin Laden.

                      Death is NEVER sweet... vengence and justice best in the power of the creator...

                      It is easy from opposition to oppose everything.

                      Today showed that all Federal leaders approved of taking out Bin Laden... when each thought they might have the chance to be PM.

                      WOW. Canada is much more conservative than the CBC and CTV tell us!

                      Long live Sun TV!!!


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