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George St. Pierre

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    Not GSPs best, but still a class act. What about
    that Ali shuffle we saw a couple of times?

    I can t imagine 5 rounds of mma. 30 seconds of
    full on grappling seems like an eternity.


      Is the fight done? George win?


        GSP won. Unanimous decision. Jake the ju jitsu
        wizard didn t try to take to the ground.


          George fight kinda sucked...although glad to see him win... Sheilds seemed to be gaining momentum as the 5th went on. I went to Montreal and seen GSP scrap Koscheck. A once in a lifetime experience... Quebecers are nutzo! Guys were drinking two beers at a time and saying rosary's praying for GSP to crush Koschecks brains on the canvas... Needless to say I had a blast. Was louder than the inside of a Walinga 614D with either button stuck on a jimmy diesel drive unit. I wander if Hominick took some Tylenol. I almost barfed after witnessing that tonight. They are talking about getting GSP to move up to 185 and face the spider... I think that will be tough on St Pierre's carrier... Anyways, I hope to be seeding here Wednesday, gonna start re-planting our failed winter-wheat with S-Wheat...the weather has finally turned...it's gonna be great...I can hardly wait.


            I envy you for seeing the Koschek fight. Great
            athlete but GSP outsmarted and outwrestled him.
            We won t seed here until this fresh snow leaves.


              Sooo, Ontario is thee land of the Great afterall. Kin go from 3 inches of rain, & halfa foot of snow today, too seeding on Wednesday. Frick.....


                Is Gracie coming back for one more fight?


                  I've heard rumors of a Gracie comeback. I suppose a little pain for a big paycheck (and some humiliation) is worth it. Probably why I keep farming. LOL.


                    Reply to: Who isn't watching?
                    Answer; Civilization


                      Some folks are a little slow on the uptake: for example, using a computer. That's okay...everyone at their own speed. You just have to know the diff between embracing a telephone vs adopting bellbottoms. lol


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