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Harper victory

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    Harper victory

    This morning the world became a better place to live. Iggy's gone, Ducette's gone and eventually slimeball Layton will hang himself. As one blogger on SDA said that the anti Harper people should be so lucky because they will get a better gov't than they deserve! Wonder what's happening at the CWB office this morning.

    manitoba is next


      Harper Gets A Majority Government

      Last night's theme could have just as easily been the famous song from Franki Valli and the Four Seasons - "Oh What A Night". It sure was an amazing night to be glued to the t.v. set. The NDP rise and the decimation of the Bloc were the central theme early in the evening, along with the dismal showing of the Liberals. As the night moved along a bit, it became apparent that a majority was in sight but none of the media seemed to want to talk about that. Jack was the story and they were sticking to it.

      Don’t get me wrong, the rest of Canada should tip its hat to Layton for winning so many seats in Quebec and likely setting the separation movement back for a long, long time - if not entirely. Layton will no doubt have a tough time with the yahoos that have been elected under the NDP banner in Quebec - university students, one lady who was on vacation during the election, etc., etc. That will be fun to watch. It is kind of like West Virginia, meet my friends from the NDP in Quebec!

      Layton deserves credit for his positive campaign and his results, so I applaud him for that. What I do not applaud him for is his high tax, big spending agenda. To say that Jack looks out for the little guy is a bit rich considering the champagne socialist that he is - he and his wife combined pull down well over $350,000 per year. Their combined expense accounts totaled around $1-million last year. Times are pretty good for Layton and about to get better for the next four-plus years. Stornoway will never be the same!

      In regards to the Liberals there is not much to be said. When you call an election while trailing by 10-points in the polls, sometimes the math just works against you. These results are an absolute disaster for the Liberals, and they will be a long time recovering from this showing. I have said many times over the past 3 years that the worst thing to happen to the Liberal party was that in 2008 they managed to retain 77 seats, which held the Conservatives to a minority government. They would have been much better off if those results had yielded a Conservative majority government, as this would have pushed them to rebuild their party sooner. Instead, they just kicked that process down the road to 2011 and now, three years later, they are in much worse shape.

      The media is now clamouring for a merger of the two left leaning parties - that ain’t going to happen. The NDP hold over 100 seats, the Liberals 36 - why would the NDP want to work with the Liberals now?

      For the Conservatives and Stephen Harper - this is surely a vindication of the targeted riding work they have carried out over the past several years. It has paid off in spades. It was great to watch the Liberals' fortress in Toronto cave in and some Conservatives win there.

      The Conservatives won against all odds - a largely hostile press/media gallery (Terry Milewski from CBC in particular - he is a total disgrace to the profession. The sour look on his face last night as he reported from the Conservative party's gathering was priceless to see!), and the image that Harper was too cold and calculating to appeal to Canadians. I guess that conventional wisdom is now out the window.

      The hard work for Harper and the Conservatives really begins now. My sincere hope is that the Prime Minister lightens up a LOT and enjoys the fruits of his success, which will certainly help him connect with more Canadians. It would also be refreshing if some of the partisan b.s. that dominates question period disappears, letting people begin to see parliamentarians working for the betterment of all Canadians.

      We live in the greatest country in the world - let’s hope that politicians of all stripes get back to Ottawa and act in a fashion that recognizes the trust that Canadians have invested in them by casting their ballots.

      What are your thoughts of the election results - were there any surprises? What do you think is ahead for the next 4 years? Please click here to comment.

      Many thanks again to all of you who have financially contributed during the election campaign. Our ads resonated, and I can assure you we will be ever vigilant to make sure this Conservative majority government embraces fiscal prudence and a deep respect for taxpayers. We will continue to push for "more freedom through less government."

      Peter Coleman
      President and CEO
      National Citizens Coalition



        3 words:

        Business as usual.


          Wakopa, I hope you re right. We can t afford
          anymore of Selinger.

          By the way, are you from close to Wakopa or
          closer to Lena?


            A vote for the NDP is a vote for...

            This is especially for stubble and mussy:

            http://www.vancouversun.com/news/decision-canada/Opinion Orange Green story blue/4723299/story.html


              Braveheart yous are situated where????


                bh close to lena


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