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I want more than a voluntary board...

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    I want more than a voluntary board...

    It is not good enough for me, or my family that we just say "ok, lets go to a voluntary board and carry on".

    I want a full audit done going back many, many years and if even a sniff of impropriety shows up I want an RCMP investigation, Judicial inquiry, a parliamentary inquiry, or all of the above.

    Those eastern hacks in the liberal and ndp organizations fought extremely hard to keep this albatross going in western Canada and I want to know why that was.

    This is what I will be asking our MP, Gerry Ritz, and Stephen Harper for today and I am encouraging all of my neighbors to do the same.

    Freedom has been denied for too long to a designated group and it is time for some answers.


    I am tempted to agree.

    Is it worth it to have an 'open wound'?

    Will be somewhat determined by how many assets the new 'CWB' is given by the gov... to how deep to dig.

    Since I found out about plans of CWB to sell grain to Iraq on Oil for Food... stopped by finance as they would not provide financing... there is obviously real reasons to dig down into past. Perhaps better to forgive and forget... if that were possible.


      Sometimes you have to show the gruesome pictures of a shot to the head.

      We need closure. At least some do.

      I want to take names.


        Better make shredders illegal.


          Wheat Sale in Tailand. Cargill bids on it. Voluntary CWB underbids. Asks Gov't to make upo the difference two years down the road.Deja-vous.

          Demand a change in Management. Send White home on a kangaroo. Complete overhaul. Need a new team with a new focus. Profits for farmers. Not Job Protection. #ScummyBastardsSacked


            You people are a very odd bunch. Mean
            and nasty, conspiracy theoryists. We
            ALL know that Comedian farmers are
            corrupt. BUTT to accuse a government
            agency of corruption is a stretch.
            Think about it now, Comedians just
            elected a bunch of corruption prone
            people to parliament, perogies and
            contemptuous guys/gals. Do you really
            think that they are gonna start pointing
            fingers, or giving the finger to
            government departments once they take
            the reins agin. Oh by the way, Comedia
            has gotten along just fine witout
            parliament, fer the past month er so,
            while they were gettin elected agin.
            The country ran just fine, we made money
            and paid our taxes, watched a ROYAL
            weddin all on our own. Lockumup and
            throw away the key legislation, and
            prison buildin is high on the agenda.
            Comedian Gag is low on the pole!!!!!!


              Most of my life I have thought that we would find out who shot JFK and who's on the take at CWB. Too many 11th hour conversions for there not to be someone's ox involved. I'm with Silver. Blow it wide open. HT


                Get lost burbot.

                Your opinion on this subject is irrelevant.

                Your side lost and now it is our turn.


                  Buyers, particularly US buyers, used to tell organic farmers when they got a lower offer. An undercutting offer. They used to ask what the hell was going on.

                  Don't try and tell me anything about the Wheat Board, burbrot. Parsley


                    Burbert, you should talk about honesty and
                    integrity. Really!


                      You people should all huddle in a corner
                      and hold your breath, till the CWB


                        They act more like a pack of revengful wolves after an old tired bison.

                        There was a good reason for the creation of the CWB. If its function is changed by this "big bad majority government", then let it be. Trying to tie some kind of evil or criminal conspiracy to the CWB and its past performance is totally ridiculous. An RCMP investigation, even more so.


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