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If you were Premier Selenger, what would you do?

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    If you were Premier Selenger, what would you do?

    The province of Manitoba is expected to deliberatly breach a dike on the Assiniboine River,just southeast of Portage which will flood 225 sk kms of some of the best farmland in Canada.

    Is this an ethical decision?

    Is a deliberate decision to destroy the livlihood and homes of 300 in order to hopefully save 1000?

    What if the leves don't breach?

    What if you cause even greater damage through unforseen cicumstances?

    To what degree should goverment be allowed to pick the winners and the losers in a fight against nature?

    I'm glad I'm not in his position!

    Oops! Should have said,

    Is a deliberate decision to destroy the livlihood and homes of 300 in order to hopefully save 1000 justifiable?


      I live about twenty miles south of the Assiniboine dykes, and my concern is that if the province does not make an attempt to divert some water, the dyke will break uncontrollably somewhere on the river and that will be catastrophic. I know of one spot where the dyke has moved out about 4 feet in the last two weeks.

      The major problem is that the province was supposed to be improving the Assiniboine dykes over the past five years, but never got around to it until this spring, when they did a rush job.

      The other issue is that the original dykes are of a poor design; they parallel the path of the river very closely. The problem is that the Assiniboine is a meandering river, with lots of very sharp 180 degree bends. There are many spots where the dykes should have been built to cut across the loops giving the river more room to spread out and slow down the current where the river bends.

      If you look at the river on Google Earth, you can see the problem. Most of the loops consist of either uninhabited farmland or forest, so you wouldn't be flooding a farmstead if you did this. In addition, some of the loops require over a mile of dykes when cutting them off would only require a few hundred feet.

      There must have been lots of money in government coffers when they built those dykes in the 50's.


        Adam this is not the first time this is being done. In 97 Ste Agathe was compromised to protect the city. Was never officially admitted. My issue was and is. If you do compromise then also compensate. Was never done with the farmers of the Z dike or the town properly. I know you open a whole new can of worms on the ethical side. I take issue that the compensation is never handled fairly. an example. You have a system in place that max"s out at $200,000. some of the market gardeners will loose much more. There are colonies and farms in the path with huge livestock operations with no real time to prepare. The possible looses for individuals are unbelievable. Their future is at risk. There is no such thing as a controlled flood. I would take my chances on a possible breach.


          Very very,good question.

          I say roll the dice and let the dyke break where it
          breaks,if it breaks.

          Seems a majority is passing pain onto a minority.

          Where else have we seen this?


            Where else? Well!! Every democracy says
            Thomas A. Jefferson

            "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."


              Whats your opinion Checking and everyone?


                I say let the chips fall where they may. If see blows thats how she goes.


                  No opinion what-so-ever, it will be terrible anywhich way.


                    Part of the problem is that the gov't won't come out and say that they will compensate at fair market value, with independant assessment. So it seems that they(gov't) will intentionally choose who to flood, and then be chincey on how much to pay out.

                    On the other hand, if it's NOT know where the flood will take place, livestock won't be moved away, equipment may not have time to be moved, presious items in your home may be lost/damaged etc..it's a crap shoot that way.


                      Amazing ways people hold back water. Thank
                      god for plastic. Lots of people would have been
                      hooped this year without good ole plastic and
                      sump pumps. Wish the Manitoba guys get a
                      pleasant surprise and everything hangs together
                      until the water leaves. Must be cresting by now.

                      All fIngers and toes crossed for you.


                        Amazing ways people hold back water. Thank
                        god for plastic. Lots of people would have been
                        hooped this year without good ole plastic and
                        sump pumps. Wish the Manitoba guys get a
                        pleasant surprise and everything hangs together
                        until the water leaves. Must be cresting by now.

                        All fIngers and toes crossed for you.


                          I'd defer the decision to Goldman Sachs who would recommend, "cut the levee."

                          Next week I'd have Goldman Sachs reverse its recommendation.

                          Works for that group!!!


                            If'n I were Mr. Brain Dead Sellout I would load it, **** it, put it to my head, & do Manitoba a favour!!!!!!! Vote these SOB's out this Fall OR we're all ****ed fer good........


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