Had half a brain, would be dangerous. Finally cut The Dike. The only good thing that will come of this, is that it takes out a bunch of Hutterite Land. Slow down the Blood Sucking, Menace to Soicety SOB's fer another year. The NDP Government has no clue what they are doing. I hope it cuts a new river and they really learn their lesson over this. NDP will never rule Manitoba again if'n that happens. Why on Earth would they sacrifice the back bone of Manitoba to save a few city slickers homes. The idiots built in the swamp, their problem, not ours, go sand bag more there, Dumb ****s. They gotta realize this ain't only hurt the farmers. Farmers support many jobs, grain, seed, feed, chemical, & fert. companies, dealerships, local stores in town, vacation companies, etc., etc., etc.. The farmers in the area should all be on the dike with their pickups & pitch forks, BUT to stupid. Remember the Ultimate Final Decision to cut the dike came down to One Single Man Only - Greg Selinger. Hope he sleeps with One Eye Open fer the rest of his life. Send these SOB NDP a message this fall and vote them out ONCE & FER ALL!!!!
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They are talking 70 million in damage from the "intentional breach", what a joke it will be way more than that. The guy on the news with almost 1000 acres of vegetable land will take at least a few million to compensate for his losses i would thing. And that's one guy
The biggest issue with cutting the dyke is not the flooding of homes, but the flooding of highly productive farmland. If this water stays for as long as it is supposed to, no one between Starbuck and Portage is going to seed a crop this year.
This is occurring because the province has spent next to nothing on Assiniboine River flood control systems for around 20 years. The dyke at Portage is being cut because the rest of the dyke is in such poor condition that they fear an uncontrolled collapse at some point. Even with this controlled cut, that collapse could still happen at any time.
That's exactly what they want you to believe Liberty but in reality they just do not want all that water hitting Whinerpeg.
The SOB's are cutting the dike to save the Whiners at Whinerpeg, that is thee only reason. Go sand bag more at the city, we ain't want yer water on the land. Cut the God Damn Portage Diversion on the East side at Road # 67N or 68N Northwest of Portage. The water would flow directly North to Lake Manitoba. Now you will have two Channels taking away the water and flood out barely any land. Besides its all Millionaire Pallister's & Northern Breeze Colony's Land North of Portage anyway along the diversion. This would be enough to relieve pressure. And if you have driven to take a look at the Gong Show you will see once the water is diverted into the diversion, there is not anywhere close to the amount of water flowing through the Assboine that it could handle. It could handle at least another 10 feet higher flows. If'n I ever, EVER see Greg Sell on the street, he will be wheel chair bound fer life, that I kin guarantee. Liberty what town yous residin at? St.Claude? I remember yous saying yous were 20 miles south of Portage.......
Starlite Colony at Starbuck is building a Ring Dike outta guess what??? Yep yous guessed it, Pure Limestone. Why??? Cause when the flood is gone, now they have a bunch of FREE limestone to use fer life. EMO payin fer it, in other words yous & I. WHAT A FREAKING JOKE. Why do the Blood Sucking, Menace to Society SOB's get a Limestone dike and us that actually support the local economy are stuck with sand bags and water dikes at best. PATHETIC. The only thing I am hopin & prayin fer is that they will have to pay themselves the WHOLE bill fer the Dike. Why??? Cause if'n yous haul and do all the work yerselves which they are EMO will not pay a dime, BUT if'n yous have it all custom hauled and built EMO pays 100%. Hutts are going down Once & Fer all, once I'm done with them..........
When we where flooded out in 06/07 there was
lots of abuse of the disaster assistance program
as well. Neighbors who built their yard site in a
slough got the yard drained and graveled on the
taxpayers dime. Those that did what they felt
was appropriate or did work themselves
got.sweet f all, but at least they can sleep at
night. We did the work ourselves and got 1/10
what we would have received if we hired it
done. These programs are set up for abuse by
the unscrupulous.
BTO you are a racist, biggoted fool. If you know anything of Hutterites you would know they are the first to help in the face of a disaster, many people have been thankful when these good neighbors stepped in to help out when a fire, barn collapse, flood or serious illness affects a non-Hutterite neighbor.
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