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Well looks like were going to get it today! Ah It hit!

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    Well looks like were going to get it today! Ah It hit!

    Looks like on radar were going to get a big rain event like all rest in East missed quite a few so far, even the snow by oh lets say 5 miles further east.
    But just phoned farm were done and water is starting to lye around.
    Oh well got over my magic 60%.
    Most small guys just finishing yesterday. South of town close to valley and West of us most done. Or lets just say finished. 160 acre quarter with 75 seeded. Done.
    In our area if you have 100 to seed your on the provincial average. If you have less your a little over. One guy who did not seed a acre north has it all in this year now sitting down south.
    The Red Army (Redland Farms) finished last night. 3 quad tracks with 3310s 55 ft.
    Hope its going good for all others. Wet is no fun. It isn't your land hell last year our 90000 assessed stuff we couldn't even seed. Dint matter if it was flat or hilly, tons of water and soil don't mix. Its not like farmers are lazy like some have spouted on here its frustrating when all you can do is look at the sky and its raining again. I feel for you guys its way worse than drought.Way worse.
    What percentage are other farmers at.

    Aside from winter wheat and grass seed 0% seeded.


      No rain here yet, still south of Wadena. Total 180 from 2010, 2/10" rain since April, low spots in fields dried, conditions are actually good now.
      Very wet under surface. Early seeded lumpy crusted, could use a half inch slow rain.

      Lots of big water, and a few sloughs but most are 60-70% done.
      About 2 weeks steady going here.
      Roads are terrible, our yard one huge frost boil.

      We finished yesterday, last year this date was liquid HELL.
      I felt your pain, try your best, leave the rest.


        We got soybeans done, sprayed all the wheat fields,
        some of the canola fields, disked up / leveled out
        all the wash outs, picked a bunch of stone, and
        started seeding oats this morning before the rain

        That's quite a bit done since we only started field
        work on Monday. LOL.

        it's frustrating.... but in this area we're probably
        overall at 5% to 10%.... WET WET WET. What can you
        do? It's all in Mother Nature's hands unfortunately.


          Stelmach will be handing in his resignation letter within the next few days. I believe all of the PC leadership hopefuls have now tried to distance themselves from Bill 50....after Wikileaks showed they weren't exactly being truthful?
          The Wildrose and the NDP have both said if/when they form the next government, Bill 50 will be repealed?
          Bill 50 and the proposed transmission lines are a scandal that needs to be investigated by an independent judiciary panel. This back room deal smells really bad!
          Next up.....Bill 24, the Carbon capture bill......that is the next scandal that can't stand up to scrutiny...maybe even a stronger smell of corruption and cronyism and much more costly than bill 50?


            Funny thing just got nice to seed on Wednesday.
            So far the heavy rain is south.


              Now yous know how we feel here with BiPole III Coming 2012 fer us here in Manitoba. Masssive Power Line gon take out some of the best land in Manitoba. When it could go down the East Side in useless Bush and HALF the distance. BUT today I hear them spouting that they have now designated a Big Bush on the East Side a Heritage Site of some sort. The SOB NDP ain't even ask the Heritage People to bring the Line down the East Side, NDP sayin it would wreck the Site, they stated you can and still have the site, its an excuse though, cause someone gettin their pockets padded BIG TIME over this deal. Started out at $2.4 Billion, now over $4.4 Billion, & gon be alot higher cause Government building the Frickin Thing, we all know that. Bring the Line down the West Side & watch me burn the Bush down on the East Side, South Wind, One Match, Let er' All Go, Burn the whole frickin East Side down, don't bother me. Better yet run the God Damn line down the bottom of Lake Winterpeg. Already talk that they are going to do this fer the next line after BiPole III, so why not do it now and save us all the trouble. Also they are Murderers in my mind cause these lines cause Cancer, & this line is gon cross alotta homes in its path of Destruction. We have one last chance to stop the SOB NDP this fall by voting in Conservatives, if they ain't get it in, she's comin, & the fight will be on Boys & Girls...........


                Finished tuesday!


                  Just drove down to Minot. Holy shit nothing
                  virtually seeded all the way down from creel man.


                    Send some moisture to us. We have yet to get a spring rain, our grass is drying off. Inch and a half a day for 4 days would be good.

                    Northern Alberta Peace Country


                      My neighbour is finishing off seeding 15,000 acres with 2 drills has a 40 footer and a 60 or 65 footer so 105 feet, not bad acres seeded with that kind of footage


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