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Malt Barley?

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    Malt Barley?

    Two articles in today's e-malt.

    Begin quote.

    World: US may be the last hope of easing tightness in malting barley market - sources
    The US may be the last hope of easing, for now, the tightness in the malting barley market which has buoyed prospects for prices even beyond those of wheat over the last month, taking them in the UK to record highs, Agrimoney.com reported on May, 27.

    Famers in the US may be tempted by the sowing delays, from wet, which have sent spring wheat prices soaring to a three-year high to opt instead for barley, a shorter-season crop which can be planted later, the Canadian Wheat Board said.

    For America's growers to plant more than the expected 2.95m acres of barley, including winter crop, the second lowest area on record, would represent a rare fillip for a malting barley market tightened by poor quality Australian and Canadian crops in 2010, and by prospects for a weak European harvest this year.

    "The crop that will feel the most impact of the European drought is spring barley, which is mostly grown for malt," the board said.

    "The European drought situation is having a sizable impact on world barley markets.

    "Given that global supplies of high-quality malting barley are tight, any damage to malting quality will be very supportive of prices."

    End quote.

    Begin quote.

    France: Barley harvest starts with rather negative first indications – industry sources
    France’s barley harvest started on May, 25 in the southwest of the country, and indications are for a “very bad” crop, with drought reducing yields by half in the worst cases, Paris-based farm adviser Agritel said.

    “It’s clear that it’s really very bad, what’s been cut so far,” Nicolas Pinchon, an analyst at Agritel, said in a phone interview. “We can’t generalize. It’s the earliest crops, so also those that suffered most.”

    Farmers in the Charente department harvested between 3 and 4 metric tons a hectare (2.47 acres) on May, 25, compared with normal yields for the region of 5.5 to 6 tons a hectare, according to Pinchon.

    France had its second-hottest April since 1900 and one of the driest since 1953, according to the Agriculture Ministry. Local authorities in Charente started imposing limits on water use as early as April 10, ahead of other French regions, according to the Environment Ministry.

    “In the worst cases, the yield has been divided by two compared to last year,” Pinchon said. “It’s rather bad.”

    La Rochelle, to the west of the Charente department, received 5.6 millimetres (0.22 inch) of rain so far in May, less than a tenth of the normal ...More info on site

    End quote.

    If you where me Charlie and had 20,000
    boarderline/foresure malt barley bushels,would you
    try dumping into the seed market now or hold it and
    roll it into the future malt barley markets?


      would have to work the numbers. $6/bu is likely a good place to start for next years malt barley pool/cash plus. On the quality side, you would have to define borderline.

      You would also know I have a different attitude toward risk than you might. If I was offered cash in my pocket for seed that is competitive with malt barley, I suspect I would take the money and run.

      Others thoughts?


        I should note my comments don't consider the rules around moving common seed between neighbors and the implications for them marketing malt barley (don't think you are a seed grower). Also lots of issues/costs in selling seed including cleaning, transportation, etc.

        At 2 bu/acre seeding rate, 20,000 bushels equals 10,000 acres. Likely could be selling in both seed and malt markets.


          Viterra was offering a cash plus of 4.95 two
          weeks ago. I just about lost it, told them not to
          waste my time with such a pathetic offer. Still
          have a few quarters left to seed, might switch it
          over to malt(from oats) given the feed price
          outlook if it doesn't go malt. 70-80 bu malt or
          even feed barley pencils out better than 3.50

          I have a love hate relationship with malt, seed
          lots of it(except this year), makes me money,
          but I hate dealing with all the bs from everyone


            How, much good seed is avail???


              I cant stand all the b.s to.

              A while back,on here,some people didn't even relize
              that the grades on the EXACT same grain change year
              to year,and elevator to elevator on the same year,and
              across borders,always.

              I know im plagiarizing and preaching to the choir,but
              the grading system that is in place is going to screw
              us as much as the board did.



                From what I have heard, not a lot. Others here will have better information than I have.



                  If the US was offered $10/bu... it would not do us any good.

                  It sure looks to me like the CWB already has sold the 2011-12 malt crop with an act of God clause to the Malties for under $6/bu. Just like last year. To make sure Ritz couldn't allow market choice... and stay in budget and NOT pay huge wind down costs to end the 'CWB single desk'

                  WOW... are we ever smart!!!


                    Agstar77 and cchurch don't care... cause they are not growing board grains... SO SAVE the CWB 'single desk'...

                    I have been 'talking eskimo'... far too much this morning... please forgive me!!!


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