I know this is the wrong place for this question but this is the place where it will get the most replies. I want to spray broad leaf weeds and wild oats out of Canary Seed. My plan is to tank mix Buctril M at .4 liters per acre and add a half rate of Puma Advance. I am going to put on 5 gallons of water per acre. Anyone ever tried this? Will it hurt the Canary Seed? Thanks for your responses.
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Wild Oats in Canary Seed
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You will get better agronomic advice on Combine forum. This site was designed for bitchin about the CWB. lol
We have sprayed puma on canaryseed but it was an accident. It was a very clean crop however it did appear to have a effect on the head size when harvesting.
As mentioned above, try and find some avenge
We have used the 20 acre rate of Puma in the past with FULL rate of Buctril M.
DO NOT USE Puma if canary under ANY stress!!or bigger than 3 leaf.
Last year the puma advance smoked alot of neighbours canary even under ideal conditions and I was told by retailer and Bayer rep not to use it on canary.
I will also be looking at other products for wild oat control for when/if I grow Canary again.
I used puma frontline mix, Put omex P3 in the tank and it will reduce crop injury. done this before its fine although puma is a hit and miss chemical. Avedex is the best for canary.
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