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finished seeding in aust

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    finished seeding in aust

    Nobody is particularly interested but will post anyway.

    Were done for another year.
    1600 ha wheat 280 ha canola and 290 ha oats for hay and grain. And 180 ha rye for feed for sheep.

    All sown in marginally dry conditions despite good subsoil moisture from wet harvest, exact opposite of you guys where theres mud theres money but in canada its the reverse.

    Quite a few guys sowed early into dry soil and crops havent germinated that well wereas i held off and waited hence finishing now rather than end of may but think most of mine will germinate.

    Mice are causing grief in australia though big time.

    If anyone is wondering im considered a average to slightly above average operator in terms of acreage.

    A few around here put in 12 to 20 thousand acres, ive got no ambition to do that extra stress,extra labour and for what a early grave.......plenty also put 1000 to 2000 acres have a wife working and have a great easy no stress life.

    West australia is all sown but on a knife edge but good rain expected this week. Most of other cropping areas done or close to it in average conditions.

    Theres my wrap up and all the best for whatever dual marketing or fully deregulated system you guys come up with, but hey dont let the politicans run the show get off your butts and tell how it should be or will have some half cocked system that may not make either side of the debate happy.

    And despite whatever bullshit you read over there when the single desk bit the dust sure it was 65% in favour 35% wanted single desk,do the same survey now 95% in favour 5% want the old system back and you can bet your right and left knacker on that.

    Thanks for your time

    mallee, are you in SA or vic, or nsw?
    has a record australian harvest been announced yet again?
    3 english counties declared drought yesterday. water allocations to be cut.
    drought in france, germany.
    here in scotland , straw short but crops never looked better.


      So what are the mice doing to cause you grief?


        Thanks for the update.

        Do you have much trouble with Rabbits? I
        remember when i worked in SA back in 90,91
        we fumigated lots of rabbits.

        If you ever see Brendan Smart or any of his
        family around say hello to them from Jason.
        Would you be able to get their email contact


          if it was easier to post pictures would show mice damage they eat the seed in the rows before it germinates.
          im in south aust

          a few aussie guys have put mice damage pics up on new ag talk


            Sounds like a cwb survey,
            And despite whatever bullshit you read over there when the single desk bit the dust sure it was 65% in favour 35% wanted single desk,do the same survey now 95% in favour 5% want the old system back and you can bet your right and left knacker on that.

            In favor of what?? What is the question lol? Twisted shit.


              the single desk hopper nobody misses it.
              nothing has changed in reality, and AWB are still here taking a healthy perecntage of te crop and offering competitive prices every day.

              gonna be real intersting to see wjat you guys come up with if anything....



                Just got our first rain 2.5 weeks after finished seeding here. Were 90 days with no significant precip... western Canada is huge... so drought and flooding are just like in the US midwest and southern plains.

                Am VERY encouraged with our Ministers responses to my CWB transition questions. The CWB has done an excelent job of preparing Minister Ritz for the task ahead. There can be no question of where the CWB managers would take the corporation. They would kill it now... if they knew it would work and voluntarily market our grain...and in the process prove they are misguided communists.

                Sabotage is a dangerous and foolish tatic. I truly hope they revisit their strategy and start working for our family farms... instead of against us!!!


                  Gotta love it when you blame commies for everything. Sure you are not related to Mcarthy?



                    I bite;

                    IF and WHEN a voluntary grain marketing organisation replaces the CWB... which the CWB officially says now cannot possibly work... what other term can better discribe the CWB Directors who insist on confiscating my families grain... at below Fair Market Price... to redistribute the spoils of the monopoly to everyone else in western Canada... and around the world to those grain markets the CWB chooses to subsidise?

                    By force... without choice... taking our families property. This is much like Stalin did... isn't it?


                      That is an awfully large stretch , but of course you are never one to let facts get in the way of your rants.



                        Nice comeback. If you allow me to market our families crops... without confiscation by the CWB... without threat of jailand interference with our marketing plans... then the CWB and its 8 single desk supporters... will no longer be communists.

                        Until then... the CWB stands as charged. Communist.


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