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Province Launches Campaign To Save Canadian Wheat Board.

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    More politics!
    I was told the reasons for Churchill were sovereignty and jobs.
    That quaint little bubble that exists in Winnipeg will have to find different means of recieving transfer payments!!


      Tom4cwb I believe when you take out the n in Winnipeg it becomes Wine ipeg.
      I know 100 years of wining is hard to shake, I am from Saskatchewan.



        When U2 came to Winipeg... (oops) the press and classless folks took them to task for mis spelling Winnipeg on the big board at the venue they preformed at.

        I guess you didn't notice the great ripple at the centre of the Universe... as it folded in upon itself because of this 'mistake'...

        All I know is... if you play with skunks... expect to smell like one before you are done.

        These folks are masters at the game of mind altering numbing classless promotion using grain growers funds.

        Encouraging them... by responding to their absurd statements and promotion... simply legitimises their campaign.

        I believe playing with these people... will only be a mud slinging exercise... they have NOT made any rational argument in their ads.

        Because there is none... that can save the 'single desk'.


          Any one know where you can see the TV ad online? I have yet to find it anywhere.


            "Viterra CEO Mayo Schmidt said he supports the removal of the single desk by the Conservatives and "intends to actively participate in the process to promote an orderly transition with positive, sustainable change for the benefit of the Western Canadian agricultural industry."

            What he means is that Viterra will be there to gobble up as much business as they can get to benefit Viterra but NOT necessarily the western Canadian FARMER.


              Would you like some cheese to go with your wine there willy? LOL


                Tom by your involvement with the Crow and the CWB I think your forefathers settled in Kill Em. LOL


                  Perhaps the removal of the Crow and the resulting increase in value added processing is an example of a good change. If we went 15 and undid the method of payment changes, what would be different than today? If the proposed changes occure on August 1, 2012, what will be the differences on June 14 of 2027?


                    I note the discussion in another thread is about whether there are enough resources to feed a world approaching the 8 to 9 bln people range. Western Canada would seem to be in a good position to capitalize from this opportunity. The question then becomes how you as business men translate opportunity into profit and what type of supply chain structure supports these objectives.



                      I wouldn't use the Crow and CWB in the same perspective... they are VERY different.

                      It is a fact that the 2 railways were given $billions of land a mineral resourses... in return for hauling our produce.
                      THe word 'perpetuity' was used by Minister Goodale... until he decided to give it away.


                      1. A thing that lasts forever or for an indefinite period, in particular.

                      2. A bond or other security with no fixed maturity date"

                      The CWB monopoly... on the other hand... was put in place in 1943 to expropriate our farm produce... and the crow to a large extent held the whole package together because the freight was so low no other alternative market could arbitage western Canadian prices at the farm gate.

                      SO... from 1943 to 1947... the CWB monopoly was binding... then from 1947 to 1993... growers were exempt on the export side... if they sold using US or pedigreed seed grading. When Goodale took back over from Chalie Mayer in 1993... then he persecuted growers who dared to pass by the pools... and sell fusarium infected sample wheat for more than the CWB/prairie pools were offering for high grade milling wheat.

                      Goodale had to put a stop to this problem... hence the present CWB monopoly was officially put in place May 17 1996 by Goodale 15 minutes after the Manitoba Court said David Sawatsky not guilty.

                      "Grain export victory. (a Manitoba court found farmer David Sawatzky innocent of exporting wheat and barley to the U.S. without a permit from the Canadian Wheat Board)(Brief Article)
                      Article from: Maclean's | May 27, 1996"

                      THen Goodale hand cuffed western grain growers... leading to:

                      "Canadian Wheat Farmers Are Jailed
                      AP Online; November 1, 2002; 310 words ...staff. The farmers were charged in 1996 under the Canada Customs Act of illegally transporting grain across the U.S. border...wheat south of the border, instead of $2.20 from the Canadian Wheat Board. The farmers jailed Thursday had been ordered to pay..."

                      So today... after 3 tries to free barley... and growers in prision for selling their own produce... Manitoba demands the CWB remain.

                      This is obviously a very emotional and complex proplem... about as political as it can get. However the Crow and the CWB... are very different... yet are very connected by history!!!


                        "What he means is that Viterra will be there to gobble up as much business as they can get to benefit Viterra but NOT necessarily the western Canadian FARMER."

                        Wilagro. So what.



                          The dividends are flowing already.

                          CWB Market choice is already causing grain co's to grade on end use spec...

                          It is about time our system provided value to growers... instead of extracting value FROM growers.

                          Know what your spec is... and who needs it... the key to value extraction... THe Box is open!

                          It is a great day... to be a grain farmer; in Western Canada!!!

                          God Bless Canada!


                            Hi Tom. I don't know why you directed your post at me.

                            I would like to understand from Wilagro what else he meant by his post. I don't see the statement made as very significant.
                            It's the same to me as saying the manitoba premier is going to do what he thinks is best for manitoba. So what.


                              Yup, the Crow is dead and gone. Butt
                              we've really made big money since it
                              (NOT). Freight has been off load onto
                              farmers, so that's good. Grain
                              companies with HTP's are way more
                              efficient, hence farmers are making way
                              more money (NOT). Trucking incentives
                              make farmers way more money (NOT). The
                              only thing that is helping farmers right
                              now is that the BS machine running at
                              full steam, makes way more money fer the
                              organic guys/gals (NOT). Now getting
                              rid the CWB will likely make Comedian
                              farmers way more money (NOT).......


                                Lifer: Viterra is not a Co-op. Do you really think that they will not make money off of the farmer? At least the CWB distributed some savings back to the membership...whether you think that it was enough is beside the point.


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