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The End

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    The End

    Seeding is done in Mb. June 15 and stinking wet. Spraying will be a real challenge.

    Seeding is done in SE Sask,and a 100 or more miles into North Dakota. the moss is growing on the soil surface; and the moderate rainfalls come every other day. Culverts have run almost continuously and water table is above surface in many places.
    Peas have rotted in low spots even where not drowned out.
    Oil industry is suffering too.


      The Begining!

      There are huge areas in Canada, the US... the EU... around the globe... that deal with much more rainfall than you folks have had...

      They have developed infrastructure to deal with these problems.. which is why their land is worth 10x what ours is valued at.

      Will we meet the challenge?

      Will we even allow farmers to begin planning for a sustainable solution?

      Or will biodiversity... wetlands reclamation of our farms... into huge eco sinks and carbon capture projects... force us to resign growing food... and depopulate the western Canadian landscape.

      This is where the environmental activists are pushing us to. Remove human activity... preindustrialization eco-system enhancement... turn western Canada landscape back in time to pre-1700 pristine condition.

      The 9 or 15 or 6 billion human inhabitants can just starve... they are the scourge of the earth... that must be removed.

      Tribulation is upon us... no doubt... if this end is what we choose.

      God help us all... to choose to help humanity... not exterminate ourselves!!!


        Did I forget the N again!

        Just say NO... to the end.

        The sun will come up tommorrow... again.

        We will learn from the past... the Jets will return... the CWB will learn to adapt... as will we.

        "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
        the courage to change the things I can, and
        the wisdom to know the difference."



          Where do I send my donation?


            If we farm religiously, are we a tax free church? Could issue tax deductible receipts.


              Religions are like penis's

              Its ok to have one

              Its ok to worship it

              But please don't whip it out in public

              And please don't shove it down my childrens throat


                lol,sorry Tom and gang,i just couldn't resist.


                  Maybe this is what Tom is getting at......

                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJiCU6Jw0Co - Esoteric Agenda: There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations. This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people.

                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AanQ2mY2jjc - Kymatica: This is the sequel to Esoteric Agenda. Kymatica focuses on human and universal consciousness and goes deeper into the metaphysical aspects of reality.


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