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CWB Release
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The CWB board of directors are publicly saying they cant operate without the legislation. I wouldnt expect them to say anything else. I also assume behind the scenes they are working on a proposal to present to the minister of what they need so they can operate in a dual market.
I think its a stand off between the minister and the CWB to see who makes the offer first.
If the CWB makes its proposal then their arguement that they need the single desk to survive is basically done.
The minister wont go first either. If he does and it fails then he will take the blame. Political suicide.
Its an interesting scenario we are watching. Lets just hope someone blinks soon cause Aug 2012 is coming up fast and there is a lot of work to do before then......
Does anyone know the real merchants at the CWB?
I don't mean the B.O.D. or media relations but the people who pick up the phone and deal with the foriegn buyers. I would like to hear some of there ideas on what can work in the market place.
They deal daily with our customers and should have first hand knowledge of what is wanted and how to help implement it.
Lets hear from them.
This is not rocket science.
99 percent of sales are done through the commpetitive system now...
For once... in 75 years,,,the CWB will NEED to match sellers to buyers... like every other business on the planet does ...
Instead of every sale being a spec sale to the pool. The 'slush' funds... (the contingency fund is 'slush' fund 2) that makes little give aways... one huge loss for every grain grower in western Canada, by the end of every pool year.
There is little wonder grain buyers and CWB sales folks... LOVE the CWB POOL and COntingency fund.
WHAT truly bad Ideas... that need to become accountable to real people... with real faces... with real bank accounts.
I can understand why the CWB managers are fightened. For once... the REAL WORLD... is about to stare them straight in the face... eyeball to eyeball.
Exactly Tom
Special crop marketers have managed to exist for
more than 30 years in the world markets with
real people from all over the planet. Often they
are asked to send wheat over cleaned just like
lentils in bags, prices offered are relative to the
extra effort. They ask to contract with growers
who will grow to spec at premium prices. These
are huge European distribution chains. Samples
of our beautiful wheat have been sent to them in
hopes that one day this door will open.burbert
should take a trip to Wheat, Montana where a
farmer has blossomed into a wonderful bakery
and has turned a small farm into a fantastic
business. But do Western Canadians have this
opportunity, to make our own flour and further
process it? No way, because we are strangled by
communists. No more. Burbert and Agstar, i think
there still may be somewhere that you practice
your politics. Go for it!
I hear the NDP is in Vancouver this weekend.
Perhaps they (Burb and Ag) can go there and have a riot! Or just work on the left wing to bring them into more conservative values... so they will be relevant to the average Canadian who pays bills and earns enough to balance the chequing account each month!
The CWB Act (single desk)... according to Chairman Oberg... is the only asset of value the CWB has.
Goodwill earned by the CWB is worth nothing... loyalty with consumers is worth nothing... all the branding and quality promotions done with our money... has been a huge waste?
True assets of a real business today... are counted by Chairman Oberg and his managers...
What a waste. These folks truly are to be pittied... they have lost their way.
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