Have you ever spoken to an old farmer,
who was happy wit life, or said he liked
farming? Most despise grain companies,
railroads, neighbours and everyone in
the business. They were cheated and
used by everyone including the cwb, who
still owe them a nickle from the 1938
wheat harvest. The grin and smile at
the new generation, wit their monster
machines, rippin the earth and pouring
the chemicals to her. Sustainable, er
not the future will be interesting.
After all, who really cares, time to
cash in anyway, pensions, rrsps, and
high land prices. What more could one
want. Oh sure we'll miss the ole stump
ranch, butt really, who cares?????
who was happy wit life, or said he liked
farming? Most despise grain companies,
railroads, neighbours and everyone in
the business. They were cheated and
used by everyone including the cwb, who
still owe them a nickle from the 1938
wheat harvest. The grin and smile at
the new generation, wit their monster
machines, rippin the earth and pouring
the chemicals to her. Sustainable, er
not the future will be interesting.
After all, who really cares, time to
cash in anyway, pensions, rrsps, and
high land prices. What more could one
want. Oh sure we'll miss the ole stump
ranch, butt really, who cares?????