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    Name calling, name calling, old conservative trick, to change the subject. Somebody starts telling things like they are, we'd better distract him, roid, farts, pinko, commies, socialists be gone and beware of us knowitall desenters, legends in our own minds. Cause we gotta a PC at home and know how to use it. Look out world I'm gonna sell my grain everywhere, everywhere, anybody know the exchange rate for rubles, yen or rials today? Gotta hire a truck, and some shovellers, then hire a boat and haul my grain to Chine myself, to heck wit eryone else!!!!!


      Aw, come on Hedgehog that's not quite accurate is it? When production based subsidies stopped you mean. When they were converted to a single farm payment that gives you almost exactly what you got before in a different form. A subsidsy free Europe will never happen.


        I'm glad you finally cleared something up for me
        Burpfart you are a conservative comrade . If
        name calling is a requirement for that you must
        be Harper undercover .If must be frustrating for
        you to come up with that many big words for your
        latest Rant of pigeon blither.It makes me LOL
        when ever a supporter runs out of arguments
        they resort to the you'll have to travel the world
        and get screwed by everyone in it without the
        CWB . Farming for profit is not a crime like you
        would have a lot of people believe. Oh and if
        your still thinking you will need a boat to move
        your crop I heard olberg and stewie will have one
        to rent out soon .



          One thing PM Harper has NOT been afraid of... IS HARD WORK.

          There were no short cuts... no 'single desk' monopolies to protect PM Harper.

          The Competition Librano's NDP and Bloc pulled absolutely everything out of that magician's hat... including the kitchen sink... (thier claimed 'contempt of parliament'...)

          Guess what Chuckchuck... The Canadian people did not buy the 'fluff'.

          Chairman Oberg... and his 7 buddies are 100 percent 'fluff'. A total waste of money and time. They refuse to play by the rules they set out... in the CWB Corporation 'Code of COnduct and conflict of interest'.for Directors.

          THe Surveys clearly and consistantly prove Minister Ritz... and PM Harper totally right to remove the 'single desk'... and you know it Chuckchuck.

          The CWB Board took the BIG gamble... that PMHarper and the COnservative MP's in western Canada would lose power.

          The CWB BIG GAMBLE was betting on the wrong political horses... 100 percent wrong.

          The Liberals and Bloc are all but gone. The NDP is based out of Quebec now... instead of western Canada.

          Bluffing with PM Harper has been tried before. You now see the results of your flawed and dishonest information program to smear hard working constructive leaders who intend on building a better Canada.


          God Bless Canada.


            exactly grassfarmer was in europe for a month last year entirely on farms and payments are alive and well in one form or another,switzerland one can only say wow.

            A grower in germany told me that price of grain is almost irrelavant in his operation.


              first year of fusurian cwb didnt know what to do.we got 2 dollars and handout.a sample of my wheat in usa was worth 4 dollars. i could get by on 4 dollars that year. pool got to haul wheat across friends of the cwb ?


                Mallee, The last figures I saw (for 2009) showed the average Scottish producer received the equivelent of CDN $46,000 through various Government programs for that year.


                  This producer car thing really has to be answered.

                  Why do producer car farmers not share/pool their savings with everyone else?

                  Here is another good question.

                  Why is there a premium program for the churchill port BUT when the grain has to be shipped from churchill to vancouver we all share the cost?

                  Why does stewart wells get out of the pool pricing to get his premiums but no conventional farmers can?

                  Why does the cwb have a fusarium program to give feed wheat a #2 grade and price?



                    I fail to understand your logic:

                    You demand that my family grain farm... subsidise your grain farm (or do you grow organic or livestock...?)?

                    That is EXACTLY what the CWB does... the base of the 'single desk'.

                    If there were NO financial benefit to you... why would you care one iota... who we sold our grain to?

                    Clearly the CWB has NO market power with 4 percent of global wheat production and 14 percent of trade.

                    I took in the CWB's Bruce Burnett on an interview two days ago:

                    He said wheat markets were very dependant on where corn went... corn was the cause of the recent huge drop in wheat prices.

                    CWB prices droped like a rock... even MORE than US wheat prices at the farm gate in the US.

                    So I would be a total fool to believe that the CWB can price differently than any other country...

                    with Russia and the FSU production comming back to market...

                    obviously the CWB 'single buying desk' has no way of doing anything to stop the colapseing of wheat prices.

                    So IF you are getting more from the CWB through the 'single desk'... it must be comming subsidies from other grain growers in the 'designated area'!


                      Well,well.... Bruce has stuck a nerve!
                      The truth is realy quite stark ! The antiboarders do not give a hoot about their neighbors and resort one more time to name calling ! That is some debate !So..... what about the issues Bruce has brought up... I want to see some thoughtful comments . Thoughtfull and respectful farmers deserve as much.


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