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    The only "issue" he brought up was that the cwb is not to be messed with.

    Did he supply any facts that there is a benefit to any farmer in western canada in keeping the monopoly in place?


    All he supplied was tired, whining, crying, fear mongering rhetoric. I see a lot of "could it be..." and opinion about the big bad Harper again.

    I would love to see him try and go one on one with JDepape or Tom4 any day and deal with real "issues".


      How about this for a thoughtful comment.

      I don't believe I have the right to even one cents worth of your property, so why would you think you have a right to mine?

      Answer that truthfully, thoughtfully and honestly for all of us. Any of you other pro board people feel free also. Keep it short and just answer the question.



        Thoughtful and respectful farmers would NOT confiscate their neighbours (produce) private property.

        Honest hard working farmers are not THEIVES. They are not sucked in by a highly motivated bunch of 'superstar' sales force that couldn't sell there way out of a wet paper bag... without a 'single buying desk' that expropriates what they sell.

        Nice try Prairiefire... socialism turns into fascism... when folks wake up to the reality... redisribution of unearned confiscated wealth... never made anyone prosperous. It just turned them into theives with shiny trinkets and full bellies for a few days... till they ran through their neighbours savings.


          Chuckchuck your post is good.However it should include the following observation ....in the USA some time ago Cargill was one of the outfits that was lobbing Washington for farm subsidy payments, to retain them and to enhance them . The end result was a min price that american farmers get for what ever production they harvest. Any $ above that is pure $ .That encouraged suppliers of farm machinery,seed,fertilizer and chemicals to ask more for their products . Actually the ceo of Potash Corp of Sask was quoted in Dec of 2008 as saying that farmers could pay more for their fertilizer because they would be getting more for their grain. As recently as this past may(2011) the ceo of Viterra was in New York talking to the investment community there (see BNN) and stating that after Aug 1,2012 Viterra would be making more $$$.

          Yes some will say that so will farmers after the CWB is gone. Hmm...really ? There are no free lunches in this world and the grain co's have to make certain their shareholders are well looked after . So where do these $ come from ? Grain elevation,dockage,weighing and inspection,grading(CGC will no longer be doing this)and of course freight,all these will de deductions that we will all pay . Also note that the world price for grain is done by bidding and the net return on a sale overseas is more often than not more than the price we get initially at the elevators. Wonder if we will still get a trucking (distance related ) allowance ? Oh and who will check on the grading that will be done instantanously at the elevator ? Will there be an arms lenght 3rd party to deal with any disputes ? Will this process be timely or will it be costly,time consuming and cumbersome? Remember that the CGC will have less $ in it's buget come this Aug 1,2011.


            So....the debate on Bruce's issues ???


              Actually guys the open mrket grains are sold on the world price which is signifanctly higher that the price we get here at the elevator or the canola plant etc. Remember factored into the price is freigh which we pay to get the grain to port whether or not it goes thre before processing. Bend over it will not hurt a bit!


                Answer my question and then we can have a thoughtful and respectful discussion of issues.

                Have you not been paying attention? Or are you just a crap disturber? Producer cars won't change. Branch lines will still be there. Rural communities will thrive with more kids staying on the farm. Cats and dogs will be in harmony. How many more benefits do you want?


                  "Remember factored into the price is freigh which we pay to get the grain to port whether or not it goes thre before processing."

                  You mean like domestic malt barley???

                  There are alot of things that need to be sorted out before Aug 2012 when the Board loses it's monopoly, whether is survives or not(I doubt it), the industry is in for a bit of a shake up. Business will be done and there will be some growing pains. People with a better understanding of the system today, on both sides of the debate, should be meeting and hammering out details. Hopefully, with open minds, the sides will find some common ground on which to create the new environment in which business will be conducted. How bad could it be, many non-board crops trade. Unless the New Conservatives get cold feet and realize a year may be too soon. But for some last year/decade would have been to late.


                    Bruce`s questions on producer cars,sidings and shortline railroads are an important part of the CWB discussion . And as he questions ,would they survive? Hardly, why ? Because they are in the way of the grain indusry's grand plan of not having any farmer load producer cars.Why is it that just a few short years ago that trucking incentives apeared on our grain cheques ? Ever heard of the railway freight revenue cap? Where do go the extra $ collected. Remember the railways once they reach a certain $ limit must pay up to somebody for overcharging. So all they have to do is pay$ to the grain co's to load 50 and more cars at a time , the cap is liberated and the grain co's have $ to entice more grain deliveries . How is that the freight cap gets up to that $ limit ? Is it possible that we are paying too much for freight ? Ah who cares... Aug 1,2012 will be liberating for all the cats and mice. Oh the rural communities , well as you know we have an aging population who practiced birth control and even lord forbid abortions . Quess what , less kids , smaller school enrollments, school closures ,less population in rural communities . Hmm .


                      Mallee the reason the europeans have huge subsidies is because they want to keep the farmers on the farm ,not become townies,need to have sovereighty of their food supply and know what it is like not to have nothing to eat.( wars bring that home real quick). They also do not want to be beholdent to the Americans.
                      That whole subsidy issue is a costly,complicated system that will be very hard to change if ever.
                      We in Canada (western) are being to to suck it up and give the heave ho to the CWB without so much as a wimper. However if such were to pass would it not be reasonable for us to demand and get subsidies that would mirror and be equivalent to the American or even for that matter the European subsidies . After all the grains we grow are food . And since food is a staple of the human race it should carry grate importance and obligation on the part of all the population to recognise this.


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