Hedgehog, am not surprised on the sale.Many issues are at play,the sale was done because of the price offered ,need to settle an estate etc . The end result is someone wanting to expand is faced with ever increasing land base costs. This makes the net return on investment smaller and questionable. Without a healthy equity a farmer or for that matter any business cannot expand or maintain their operation.
Here in Canada the Chinese are starting to invest in farmland (eastern canada ). It looks like in land close large cities .The Chinese,the Arabs etc have been buing up land and or getting into arangements for land in number of african and south american countries. Why? Quite possibly because they need a reliable food supply for their country ,or its a very good investment long term . The end result is that the countries where this happens are running into the possibly of not having an ag policy that benefits their citizens but one that is for the benefit of some investment group etc. outside their country's jurisdiction.
Are we going back to colonial times ?
Here in Canada the Chinese are starting to invest in farmland (eastern canada ). It looks like in land close large cities .The Chinese,the Arabs etc have been buing up land and or getting into arangements for land in number of african and south american countries. Why? Quite possibly because they need a reliable food supply for their country ,or its a very good investment long term . The end result is that the countries where this happens are running into the possibly of not having an ag policy that benefits their citizens but one that is for the benefit of some investment group etc. outside their country's jurisdiction.
Are we going back to colonial times ?