Just got a recorded message from the great and
all powerful (but soon to be powerless) Olberg .
Whinning about the loss of the single desk and
inviting me to participate in a town hall style
phone in meeting next Wed . When is the
government going to tap this anal pore on the
shoulder and remind him of the supreme court
ruling about spending pool money on self
promotion and preservation . These bozos will
cost us all thousands with this last gasp of futility.
I wonder if the freedom of info act could get the
cost of this . Also wonder if the director liability
would be null and void if you willingly go against
a court ruling . Immunity from liability goes out
the window in politics if you willing do something
unlawful .
all powerful (but soon to be powerless) Olberg .
Whinning about the loss of the single desk and
inviting me to participate in a town hall style
phone in meeting next Wed . When is the
government going to tap this anal pore on the
shoulder and remind him of the supreme court
ruling about spending pool money on self
promotion and preservation . These bozos will
cost us all thousands with this last gasp of futility.
I wonder if the freedom of info act could get the
cost of this . Also wonder if the director liability
would be null and void if you willingly go against
a court ruling . Immunity from liability goes out
the window in politics if you willing do something
unlawful .