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US Wheat Associates

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    US Wheat Associates



    Look what they can do without a single desk.

    With the whole US and world wide debt crisis will these programs be cut?

    Should ours be, if we keep CIGI are we as farmers willing to pay for it. If governments cut/reduce their share will farmers pay more?

    Their economic impact studies show great return, but we all know how unreliable such studies can be.

    I wonder if the CWB supporters heard the part that they export 50 percent of their wheat and that the export market sets the price of all the wheat.


      Or does that go in one ear and out the other?


        Could the govt money spent on our cwb be better spent somewhere else, or should say the gov'ts time with the cwb maybe could be better spent elsewhere.


          The CWB folks are in a total DREAM world!!!

          Look at this July 29th USWheat Associates market report:

          "In its latest market report, the International Grains Council (IGC) increased its 2011/12 global wheat production estimate to 674 MMT, up 8.0 MMT from last month’s projection. The increase was primarily due to better-than-expected yields for the EU, Russia, and US. The IGC raised the EU soft wheat outlook by 4.1 MMT from the previous forecast to 128.9 MMT, while the Russian outlook was raised by 2.0 MMT, to 56.0 MMT. The US crop is currently pegged at 57.0 MMT, up 1.5 MMT from last month. The IGC also made a sharp increase in its 2011/12 global wheat consumption forecast due to greater feed use. The IGC expects 2011/12 wheat consumption to reach 676 MMT, up 6.0 MMT from its previous estimate."

          Soooo will the CWB corner the 'feed market' and sell our wheat out that way?

          240 million metric tonnes of wheat grown in the EU, Russia, and US.

          And the CWB sales of 12mmt... has a monopoly on the world stage!

          What a fraud and a farce the CWB Obergites are trying to impose upon western CDN grain growers.

          WE NEED A:

          'A strong competitive commercial voluntary CWB'


          The CWB'single desk' is simply an excuse for endusers to discount the value of western CDN wheat.


            I used to promote the idea of a voluntary wheat board, but changed my mind years ago. Ritz should just unceremoniously close it down. The trade can't afford to have the distraction of the once omnipotent wheat board lurking around. A bully that has been stepped on is still capable of a sucker punch.


              Look I enjoy a good CWB/Monopoly bashing probably more than the next guy.

              Yet at the risk of being called a socialist yet again.

              This is an important issue. The future of organizations like CIGI and WGRF are being decided now.

              How will these organizations be funded? Should they be funded to the same level? Should it be More or Less?

              The Canola council is a successful made in Canada model. IMHO There is NOT time for such a model to be developed before August 2012. I would not want to derail marketing freedom while a cereals model is developed.

              In the mean time how will these be funded with NO final payment? With a 50 billion dollar deficit I don't believe that the Feds will be coming up with extra dollars.

              Will farmers kick in the dollars to keep up with our competitors, and leverage existing funds? With the shake up in Canadian Ag it's a great time to look at many things


                actually the wgrf will be getting 2 more years of funding.
                i believe you answered your own questions when you bring up the canola model. the pulse industry, oats and a number of others crops have found ways of garnering monies for their own organizations and projects.
                for groups like cigi and wgrf where the bulk of their funding came from a non voluntary cwb they will have to get off their duff's and go to the market place. if farmers and the industry see value in what they have to offer it will be supported.


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