Think Sask land has a bit to go before over priced. Bought my first half section of land in 76 for 45 thousand. The seller bought a house in Weyburn for that amount. That house is worth 350 and my half is worth 150. Sask farmland has been some of the last land priced on production. Chinese have invested in Canada for years. This is just a new thing to invest in Ag land.
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I deal with the Chinese daily in my IT business... These are businessmen looking for their internet presences, and things like that, so they have their PhDs, etc.
I find they are brash, don't think what they're doing, and always run into everything head first and ask questions later...
If we look at history, have the Chinese ever been ahead of the ball? How long as it taken them to figure out capitalism as opposed to the rest of the world - simply look back to WWII to see how easily Japan dominated China.
The Chinese are leaches - pure and simple - and they are here to try and "suck" resources back to their own country - and those that don't want to do that wish to dominate the world... We will see what is going to happen to China within 5 years.
As far as the comment Re: houses vs. grain land... Is that house that's priced at $350,000 really worth that? Remember, everyone is saying Canada's housing market is in a bubble.
I think the next year will be very interesting...
There was a time in history where China had the largest navy in the world with matching trade routes. Those ships were called back to port by their Emperor, and instead his development eyes turned inward. Had it not happened, North America would have been bumped into and settled by the Chinese, so in effect they are just retaking what they could have had.
Nationalism can sure screw up what an individual(s) of the world would pay for ground, but worse than that is the neighbour that believes my land should be their's, at their price, when I'm finished with it.
"Zonguo" May have miss spelled it a little means Middle country or according to the Chinese, the center of the world, that is what the Chinese call their country, center of the world. Capitalism was never gone in China, just recently there was a major shift by their gov't to do the will of the people and give them back their industries. Although highly corrupted and controversial in the chinese society millionares and billionares were made often overnight. The dollar was God and business does not shut down. Not saying they did not work for it. They love to be their own boss as for one reason a business owner in China typically earns 100 to 1000 times more than a highly skilled worker. Tuff to keep workers as skilled workers often leave to start their own ventures. These are just some of my views of China.
As far as companies here the rules are that they must first attempt to hire local Canadians first. Like the hog industry Big Sky phillippines are the worker of choice now there is a steady stream of phillippines coming in because at least they stay the 3 year contract before finding work elsewhere , a few exeptions breaking contract. Green houses bring in Mexicans for their seasonal work. To tell you the truth I cannot find help for my farm. It would not surprise me at all if the Chinese would come here some day to work the grain farms. I know one that all you have to do is give him a couple hammers, anvel, vise, welder, torch, can make some amazing shit. One skill farmers are losing in my opinion. Not sure what to think of all this, my biggest question is why offer rent to someone buying at inflated prices when you could have bought it cheaper. Over paying is not new. Especially when your new to the area.
Klaus have you heard in the news lately about Chinese banks clamping down on Chinese that purchase new homes? Second one you need x more down and 3rd one x more and 4th one you cannot borrow anymore. This is actually a problem in China citizens buying houses just so that they have a place to stay for 3 weeks of the year when they visit relatives, when most are just struggling. Large city blocks, gated, not many going in and out, but guards, gardenners, cleaners working their job.
BTO you probably donated your semen to the huts and just trying to give your kids a hard time. LOL my dad likes to do that to me time to time.
I'm not saying that outside investors are evil, or that land should be "cheap".
However, it should have a fair value - not inflation - When you get inflated values, everyone starts waiting to sell until it's worth more... this continues until the crash.
There is always an eventual crash. Once it comes, you have panic, and then land will sell for a 3rd of what it is trading at now...
What concerns me is that foreign investment should not be allowed into food production. We need to preserve our food supply like every other country - and export surplus. The moment we allow foreigners into the food production chain we as a country loose security... No other country allows it, why should we?
As a young farmer, I like the idea of some of these investment firms - it lets me grow fast without the need to lay out all that capital up front...
In fact, between my girlie and me, we're looking at investing $500,000 in farmland in E.C. SK in the next year or two... and rent enough more to have 1600 acres to plant...
Sask farmland is coming up in price this cycle not only because of grain prices but also because of the overall investment atmosphere in Sask. Farmland in Ontario and Alberta has been over valued for years now. Once you get that people bring brings people...economy it takes alot to slow things down.
Somedumguy you may be correct. If one looks at the stock market investors no matter where they are from don't want to wait too long to show profit. The retired or close I think will tend to go to the dividend investment so they can see a steady return every year not worrying about weather the stock price goes up of down at least they got their div. On most stocks there is such a high amount of stocks traded every day that not many owners are hanging onto the stocks for any length of time. Then there is the stocks that are making money and they all fall in a market crash no matter if they are making money or not, like the one we just had. So could be interesting times. Just glad I don't need to stepping into the land buying market.
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