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GGC call high priority for Feds on the Rail Service Review

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    Don't expect anything to change with regards to the railways.

    They have been guaranteed to make a profit moving goods across this country for years. They have closed branch lines in favour of stopping the flow of traffic on the main lines. Then with their cost savings and profit the railways are too ****ing stupid to twin the lines from east of winnipeg to west of calgary to speed the process up.

    This country could be running a world class rail system instead we get excuses from every level of government and every railway.

    If you compare the investment made by farmers,as a whole, to improve their farms to what the railways have spent to improve their service - farmers win hands down.

    That would explain why farmers can take a crop off in 45 days and it takes the railways over 300 to move it to the west coast.

    But I digress, the federal government of any stripe is not going to pressure the railways to do anything. Jack won't because of the unions. The liberals won't because the boardrooms are stacked with liberals and much the same for the conservatives. It is an incestuous relationship.


      As a part of CWB reform why would the
      board not look at creating a
      transportation brokering service, that
      would continue to handle transportation
      issues in the future and continue to
      provide logistics service post monopoly.

      Its time for the CWB bofd to start
      acting responsibly and look at says that
      the organization can add value in the
      future instead of fighting a loosing
      battle with our money.


        We need joint running rights enshrined. The
        railuways have been granted this elite status to
        open the West, they have really taken advantage
        of it.

        It is truly a pathetic process to try to order a car.
        Hours are spent on answering machines and a
        password system that would frustrate a saint.


          SDG I agree we need to open up the running rights.


            Whoa, the RITZ cracker has been called
            upon to doooooooooo somethinnnnnnnnnn, by
            a very, very, very, important group of
            about a dozen er so Comedian farmers. Boy
            he better wake up and smell the roses this
            time, causin these guys/gals mean
            business, Angribusiness.............


              Who should he listen to, the loser directors?


                Hey Burbert, can you see your milk cow
                sauntering out your yard and down the road?


                  Mark and SDG, you have hit the nail on the
                  head, IMO. Rail service must become the
                  focus of creating a successful grain
                  economy for the future. Pulse Canada has
                  spearheaded some great work in the Service
                  Level Agreements, we have to push the feds
                  to put that new Transportation bill



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