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GGC call high priority for Feds on the Rail Service Review

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    GGC call high priority for Feds on the Rail Service Review

    For Immediate Release:

    Grain Growers call on Minister of Transport and Federal Government to confirm the high priority of the Rail Service Review

    (Friday, Aug 5, 2011) – The Grain Growers of Canada are asking for a firm commitment from the Minister responsible, Hon. Denis Lebel, that the implementation of the rail service review will be one of the highest priorities in the Department this fall and winter.

    “As part of our grain marketing consultations this summer we have heard from every grain shipper we met, that the rail service review needs to be implemented as soon as possible,” said Stephen Vandervalk, President of the Grain Growers of Canada. “We were very pleased with the Government’s rail service announcement last spring and think this file is on the right track.”

    “However, we also think it is time for a public statement so that all players in the industry are ready to engage in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary delays,” said Vandervalk. “The Minister has had several months now to come up to speed on the file and he can help us maintain the momentum.”

    It has been well documented that Canadian exporters are not always bidding on spot premium markets due to their inability to secure rail transportation in a timely manner to meet the contract delivery dates.

    Reciprocal penalties and balanced contracts are two things the Grain Growers feel are needed to help ensure both shippers and railways work together efficiently.

    “We appreciate the strong support for the service review solutions from Minister Ritz,” said Vandervalk. “He knows that we leave a lot of farmers’ money on the table every year due to unpredictable service from the railways.”

    The Grain Growers of Canada represent 80,000 successful grain, oilseed and pulse farmers across Canada.

    For more information:

    Stephen Vandervalk, President 403-795-8449

    Richard Phillips, Executive Director 613-875-1795


    My in box is cleaned up!


      Give me rail freedom Mr. Ritz, so I can ship grain with any body I want! L.O.L.


        I'm sure Ritz will leap into action now



          When I spoke with him earlier this summer, He brought it up along with the CGC as issues that needed to be dealt with.


            he is probably finding it hard to leap into action when his head his up his butt. lol

            Agstar I second that, rail freedom rail freedom where are all our Choices Mr. Ritz


              Aaawwwww, do I sense sour g****s since these three blind mice dont get to confiscate their neighbors grain any longer. Too bad so sad. One step at a time baby, one step at a time.


                With the money going into the cons party fund from cp and cn and the lobbying Everyday from them, Don't expect any changes to benefit farmers.



                  It is illegal for CN or CP to give money to any Federal political party like the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC).

                  Only individual citizens can donate... then only up to $1100/year to a national organisation (like the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC))... then $1100/year (as well) to a local constituancy association that a MP is elected from.

                  If more than these amounts (($1100) National and $1100 to the local EDA) are given by any individual... by the federal election laws the Party must immediately return the money to that individual. If a corporation credit card is used... by an individual... the money must be returned by the Party who itwas given to; or upon the audit (paid for by Elections Canada each year) the Financial Agent is charged with a serious crime that will very likely land them with jail time.

                  This is Now... a very serious issue... after 2007 when these new Elections Canada laws were passed AND ENFORCED.

                  For those who are responsible to enforce and insure that these laws are obeyed... (I being trained[as an offical agent] and one of them... please tell Elections Canada...

                  If you actually know of a situation where this did happen report it now.

                  I frankly do not believe the charge you have leveled at the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC).

                  Unless you do have actual proof... that CN and CP Corporations are giving money to the CPC; what you have written here is simply SLANDER.

                  If you are right...and this has happened (illegal donations)...everyone will know... as it will be a NATIONAL news story that everyone will know about!

                  DO YOU HAVE PROOF; Mustardman?


                    Don't expect an answer do you Tom.


                      No I don't have proof but I do Know that since the railroads were Started in This country there has been lobbying and "persuasion" by them on Both Liberal and Conservative governments.
                      This gov't Will not be Excempt.

                      Oh by the way if the charges by election Canada are so feared then WhY did this not stop the Conservative Senators who pulled the "in and out campaign fund SCAM" ?


                        gregpet add something Useful


                          What usefulness did you add by making accusations?




                            Who privatised CN, then sat there and watched these fine RR folks take $300M from grain growers from 2000 to 2007 on rail car maintanance that was never Spent?

                            THE past Honourable Minister Ralph Goodale.

                            The Conservatives fixed the problem finally... with court appeals all the way up... and didn't give the RR what they wanted.

                            "Canadian Transportation Agency Decision No. 67-R-2008 paragraph nine

                            It is estimated that during the first seven years under the Revenue Cap
                            Program (i.e. from crop year 2000-2001 to crop year 2006-2007) the
                            railway companies received more than $550 million for hopper car
                            maintenance costs while incurring less than $250 million for this
                            maintenance. Thus, in the period, the railway companies have received at
                            least $300 million more than they have spent on hopper car maintenance,
                            and this has been paid by Prairie grain producers. Moreover, the difference between the amount the railway companies receive under the Revenue Cap Program and what they incur as hopper car maintenance costs has been growing at an increasing rate."
                            All thanks to THE past Honourable Minister Ralph Goodale.

                            You words are shallow and misdirected Mustardman!!!


                              Read my thread -it says Both liberal and conservative governments have been lobbied.


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