We all have our vision and hope for a new and
free climate in Western Canada. Some are happy
with status quo but many are looking outside of
the box. When the Crow was disassembled, the
government had a chance to open tje door a
crack to allow some freedom and expansion of
the wheat economy. We all know what Gooda
E did and the economy that resulted from his
But now, we have hope for a peaceful transition
to a new world where the climate for value-
adding and marketing will create jobs and foster
rural communities.
Please post your vision for August 2012 and
free climate in Western Canada. Some are happy
with status quo but many are looking outside of
the box. When the Crow was disassembled, the
government had a chance to open tje door a
crack to allow some freedom and expansion of
the wheat economy. We all know what Gooda
E did and the economy that resulted from his
But now, we have hope for a peaceful transition
to a new world where the climate for value-
adding and marketing will create jobs and foster
rural communities.
Please post your vision for August 2012 and