The more i think about it your marketing is a whole different can of worms than australia.
In australia grain is basically from field into the elevator system be it port based or endusers storage and some on farm.
But in canada its whole different game so its not comparing apples to apples.
I could be wrong but if a free market opens up wont those with largest frieght possibly be at more of a disavantage ie traders will buy grain with least freight first and i know its all reflected in price recieved.
Seems this inequity may increase and will have to adressed in the planning of a new system.
Or if someone in manitoba could deliver direct into the usa ie frieght it south rather than west, would alleviate the problem?
In australia grain is basically from field into the elevator system be it port based or endusers storage and some on farm.
But in canada its whole different game so its not comparing apples to apples.
I could be wrong but if a free market opens up wont those with largest frieght possibly be at more of a disavantage ie traders will buy grain with least freight first and i know its all reflected in price recieved.
Seems this inequity may increase and will have to adressed in the planning of a new system.
Or if someone in manitoba could deliver direct into the usa ie frieght it south rather than west, would alleviate the problem?