Cropduster, in a quick answer, I'd say they are drooling for taxes and what better than to eye-up value-added? Farmers have been quick to seize opportunities, and what better way for the Government to gain a toehold in the profits than to "consult" with consumers, and then to "respond" to what consumers want! They step in, clean the plate and download on producers.
kyOTO is the cause of the "consultations " with the public. And it will be another grab.
rodbradshaw , when you say, "You are correct on the costs being forced to the bottom of the chain where the producer has virtually no way to recoup those costs", and I'd sure agree. But not just producers are effected.
An actual convenience store owner in rural in Saskatchewan provided me with their actual fuel costs for one fill from Petro-Canada (two weeks ago), as follows:
What the gas from Petro Canada actually cost the owner $2,734.63
Federal tax $ 857.25
Saskatchewan Tax $1,285.25
GST $ 341.44
The Total amount of taxes that the owner paid was $2483.94, darn near as much as the fuel !!!
The convenience store dealer needs to pay expenses and make a profit out of this. Rural and small town citizens need to buy gas if they continue to live in rural Saskatchewan and if they want a community left, the gas has to be competitively priced. Petro Canada needs to pay their expenses and make some profit. Who's the pig at the trough here, folks? It's the governments.
******* Governments exact more and more taxes from gasoline...but if they really wanted to help farmers, and help rural communities, they would TAX LESS. Obviously, they don't care about helping rural Canada.
Input into this "Government Plan" process is obviously predetermined and is quite often futile, but farmers should be able to make an impact if determined enough.
I'm sounding pretty militant today, aren't I charliep?
kyOTO is the cause of the "consultations " with the public. And it will be another grab.
rodbradshaw , when you say, "You are correct on the costs being forced to the bottom of the chain where the producer has virtually no way to recoup those costs", and I'd sure agree. But not just producers are effected.
An actual convenience store owner in rural in Saskatchewan provided me with their actual fuel costs for one fill from Petro-Canada (two weeks ago), as follows:
What the gas from Petro Canada actually cost the owner $2,734.63
Federal tax $ 857.25
Saskatchewan Tax $1,285.25
GST $ 341.44
The Total amount of taxes that the owner paid was $2483.94, darn near as much as the fuel !!!
The convenience store dealer needs to pay expenses and make a profit out of this. Rural and small town citizens need to buy gas if they continue to live in rural Saskatchewan and if they want a community left, the gas has to be competitively priced. Petro Canada needs to pay their expenses and make some profit. Who's the pig at the trough here, folks? It's the governments.
******* Governments exact more and more taxes from gasoline...but if they really wanted to help farmers, and help rural communities, they would TAX LESS. Obviously, they don't care about helping rural Canada.
Input into this "Government Plan" process is obviously predetermined and is quite often futile, but farmers should be able to make an impact if determined enough.
I'm sounding pretty militant today, aren't I charliep?