I heard Minister Ritz interviewed on Dave Rutherford today. In spite of the fear campaign the CWB is running with my money the minister assured us that freedom is coming. A very refreshing change from the nonsense the CWB was tossing out at the meeting in Camrose. Please encourage the Minister and your MP as I'm sure they are taking a beating from the socialist hoarde.
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Gerry Ritz
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If the CWB board insists on following through on the threat to "use all available resources" to fight against market freedom, then Minister Ritz needs to remove them.
The money in the pools is not there for them to use against the wishes of the farmers to whom it is owed, as some kind of anti government propaganda fund. Let the single desk farmers pay for their own propaganda.
" "use all available resources" to fight against market freedom"
Just why exactly do you insist that the 'self' interests of Canadian Millers are held... is good for grain growers??? Isn't it because the CWB maximises profits for the millers and food companies?
Why exactly do you enjoy padding the pockets of multi's... Agstar77... no wonder you fight against grain growers!
Minister Ritz... and Conservative Party MP's dare to work in the best interests of commercial grain growers and their communities ... intead of unions and socialists!
HOW DARE PM Harper and Minister Ritz... put farmers first!!!
You are funny... Agstar77... keep up the good work! Do you work for the big 'C' or just play footsie with them????
No, I am just an ordinary farmer who doesn't share the all for one philosophy, but believes in working together rather than competing with everyone. I believe there is more strength in numbers rather than individually. I don't believe we should think and act the same but a little bit of co-operation wouldn't hurt.
Does cooperation have to be legislated?
Why can canola run 250,000 tonnes a week into the chain change in world that doesn't have a regulatory agency controling supply/logistics?
Trying to ram over 300,000 a week into a commercial system that has over a 1 mln tonnes of inventory will see ugly basis/potentially prices. You as a farmer know and know what to do. Dropping weekly deliveries below 200,000 tonnes in a system with less than 750,000 of inventory will have a different basis. Farmers should know what to do in this case as well. All companies will offer different prices, basis, etc. based on their business needs, sales activity and logistics.
Farmers have always been pushed to the wall . Either by necessity to pay bills or the lure of an extra few dollars, some have been willing to sellout. I can understand under a high pressure situation with a lot of risk some feel they can do better on their own. Some will but the majority will find the grass a little browner on the other side of the fence. Other will walk into the fire because of their ideology. They may be right in their own mind but I don't have to share their philosophy.
When you say some farmers have been pushed to the wall, is the CWB as part of the problem or the solution?
You have never indicated whether you support or are against producer payment options. Also watched a discussion about improving delivery alternatives for CWB grains for some farmers as well as cash flow enhancement at the Falher meeting. Close to 50 % of deliveries in the 2010/11 crop year used some form of PPO (will hopefully be confirmed at the CWB year end meeting). This is presenting lots of challenges and costs for the CWB. Way easier to manage risk against sales as is the case with canola versus risk across a whole pooling year.
How can you write what you just wrote... yet you demand mandatory pooling of our farms grains?
Why not fertiliser purchases... or Bank charges... or 1001 other more logical and productive cooperative ventures that would either earn us big $$$... or save us $$$?
What on earth... gives you the confidence... and faith... in these radical left wing nuts in Winnipeg... will market your grain in the best way???
Please show anywhere on earth... where in the end... this kind of power concentrated in so few hands... didn't end up in total disaster???
Agstar77 wrote:
"No, I am just an ordinary farmer who doesn't share the all for one philosophy, but believes in working together rather than competing with everyone. I believe there is more strength in numbers rather than individually. I don't believe we should think and act the same but a little bit of co-operation wouldn't hurt."
I don't believe one word of this.
To be perfectly clear:
"I don't believe one word of this."
Your actions and words do not at all back up the above words that you just posted.
To 'Co-operate' the person must choose to participate willingly... not with a gun pointed at them or under threat of a prision sentence.
I finally heard some rational, logical arguments from a pro-CWB supporter and for once, am relieved that there may be a few supporters that are articulate like Agstar. I agree with his working together concept but disagree with him on the forcing of one to work with another. There have been successful co-ops built over the years (very political in the past but not so much today) and the CWB might be one today if AgStar can convince other intelligent CWB supporters to deal with the reality that is about to hit the CWB.
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