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The Real Outcome of the CWB Travelling Road Show – Jeff Nielsen

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    The Real Outcome of the CWB Travelling Road Show – Jeff Nielsen

    The [URL="http://realagriculture.com/?s=canadian wheat board"]Canadian Wheat Board[/URL] has been travelling across Western Canada meeting with farm organizations and farmers to discuss the future of the CWB. Well at least thats what the intent was. In reality according to CWB District two Director, Jeff Nielsen the outcome was more of a lobby to grasp on to the single desk model.

    In my discussion with Jeff his candidness is a result of his frustration with the lack of intention to adapt to the new realities of August 2012. As we have discussed previously on RealAgriculture.com, the lack of willingness to think about life after the single desk is concerning. What also is bizarre is some of the groups that have attended the sessions across the three provinces. For example the Communist Party of Canada attended in Alberta and was handing out information and recruiting members. some of the other concerns and interesting points at the Alberta meetings was the same people asking the same questions at all three meetings. Hmmmm....... <a href="http://realagriculture.com/2011/08/23/the-real-outcome-of-the-cwb-travelling-road-show-jeff-nielsen">LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW</a>

    I hope the organizers of these events
    from the CWB will step up with an
    explanation of why they were staged.
    This is a longstanding issue that surely
    must now be addressed, with such a
    credible stakeholder having pointed out
    in clear language the stark difference
    between the stated intent and the actual
    goals of the PR machine.

    Thanks Jeff and Shaun for helping to
    expose and explain this to the broader
    community of producers. Only when the
    dialogue reaches the roots of the real
    marketplace issues will farmers be able
    to tell Ottawa what they want and need
    for the future.


      Jeff hits the nail square on the head. A capable board would have been planning for several years for this day and would have led the charge to allow farmers wanting freedom a way to accomplish that goal. 8 directors of this board and the previous one chose,instead to bury their heads in the sand thinking the socialists in Ottawa would protect their little empire forever. My thanks to Jeff for working these years in a tough situation and for his courage in speaking out now.



        Thanks very much for taking the time and trouble to root out what is going on with the CWB.

        I got the distinct impression from square one (of this CWB transition),that folks rolled their eyes and said: OH TOM... it can't be as bad as you think (that Oberg and his crew would intentionally derail the train).

        Part of the reason we 'trouble makers' identify and passionately expose these problems early... is that we would be perfectly fine IF we were proven to have called it 'wrong'. Progressive management in that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

        I hope you have recognised these attributes in my writings!

        Thanks again for adding to the call for better coordination and thoughtful planning, of this important transition of CWB powers, back to the individual growers who are the rightful owners of grain marketing risk management decisions.


          The ideologies Jack expressed couldn't have been more opposite to what I view. In fact, he was one of the few people that would make me so mad that I would yell at the TV.

          But I knew where he stood and there was no wavering in his philosophies and for that I can respect and admire. God Bless you Jack and your family during this time.


            Just to stir up a bit more dust or s**t, I can bet that the costs will be buried over two crop years to soften the cost of a ridiculus PR show.


              Jack never penned that letter, Chow and some staffers did. Regardless, R I P MR JACK LAYTON.


                You're right freewheat! Thanks for stating the truth here for all to read. How slimey to play politics with you own/husbands death. This reminds me so much of the Wellstone memorial, where liberal Democrats played politics with the death of one of their senators.



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