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    Dirty crimes examples make it much more clear when to distinguish right from wrong, don't they.

    In some of the examples, silence reigned, while in others, smart people spoke up. All true cases.

    Silence OR Openess is a decision, whether it be throwing a free Grey Cup party at the CWB, or whether it was the Quebec Senator on a spending spree. No senator squealed until media did some math. But they should have.

    Some of the decisions made at the CWB have been fiascos that farmers pay for. Over and over. And they will be archived.

    The CWB clearly put in policy to stymie transparency and accountability when Chatenay was elected. You remember the Code of Conduct was established right then, to shut him up, imho, b/c he was hard to shut up.

    Farmers' pooling accounts got debited whether bad or good decisions were made, and no one spoke up except Jim Chatenay.

    But consequences don't disappear. Farmers pay and pay. As Oberg goes on his media rodentshow, your pooling accounts dwindle.

    Speaking up is the right thing for Jeff to do. And it is incumbant upon every farmer to demand, from their directors, what is happening to their $$. "Who pays for the bloody roadshow? Why? How much budgeted? Who's decision?"

    Oberg et al. got slapped with a court decision to not promote themselves. Is it being followed? Why are the directors silent? That is wrong. That is not protecting the corporation; that is collusion, according to this stupid blonde.

    Wrong is wrong, no matter the degree. Wrong shouldn't get promted to right b/c it appears as a benign wrong. "What the hell, your honor,six months?, I didn't kill my husband, I only shot him in the kneecap"

    Farmers need to get your head out of your righteousness, and face Wrong in the eye.

    Wrong has free reign in your pooling accounts. Pars


      I don't think pro choise directors should quit either. However they should say how they think the CWB should run in an open market system. Jeff said nothing other than pro boys are wrong. I think we all new his feelings before he said anything.

      Pro choise guys: Tell us how you would like to see it operate! That would be something new. I would like to hear your side.

      In fact, grain co's, processors, brokers, rail roads, et'al. Tell us how you will operate in an open market system too.


        What you guys are talking about is old hack. What Jeff talked about is old hack, he needed to take the next step in this game. If Jeff needed to get his message out (and not resign) he should of started requesting private meetings with Ritz the real Boss of this circus, what he has done is neutralized himself at the board table, -remember democray-, just another guy talking it up. Oberg and THE RATS will chew him up at the table for the next two months.


          We are going to take advantage of Comedian
          farmers! Quote from grain companies,
          railroads, brokers and other interested
          parties. That said, who really gives a
          f@#k? The whole thing is based in
          bullskat anyway!


            The grain companies, railroads, governments and the chemical companies will rip the farmer off the same as ever. Without the CWB there will be quite a bit of uncertainty as they were an information source as well as a marketer Farmers will have to be more informed through computer-based information sources for up-to-date info. Reading the monthly farm magazines wont do in this new faster age that we live in.


              woemis....I don't care how the CWB will act after August 2012. If you want it, design it and use it. I don't want to use it so why should I put together a plan for you. You've (through CWB) been making all my wheat & barley decisions for my 30 years of farming so keep on making the decisions.....just don't count on my wheat or barley.


                Will note that both Henry and Jeff were elected to do a job. The expectations of what they have been asked to do is highlighted in the CWB annual producer survey. Governance rules also impact them.

                I note the following under the code of ethics under II Principles

                D. The views and concerns of western Canadian wheat and barley farmers are an important element in Board decision-making and each director has a responsibility to ensure those views and concerns are brought forward to the entire Board.


                  There is more than Jeff at the CWB board of director table. Suspect discussions will be interesting these days. To create a different environment would require one or two of the 8 single desk directors to shift thinking. The discussion around the board of director table and decision making are critical as we move ahead.

                  My sense (could be wrong) is the operations side is a lot more ready for change than the B. of D. It would be extremely interesting to find out the imformation/alternatives the operations side presented the board of directors. It could be the current debate is really about money and continued regulation supporting the CWB in a different environment.


                    I've dealt with this kind of thing before and it's never clear cut. My personal rule is that if a director makes staff uncomfortable or they feel threatened then it's clear, he must go. If a director leaks proprietary info then he must go.

                    But in this case there are no secrets. Everyone knows well the divisions on the CWB board. To set the record straight as to the meetings being hijacked, I think is appropriate.

                    As much as I appreciate Jeff speaking up now, he could have rose at the meeting on a point of order to put things in perspective there. The media storm if he had would have been phenomenal.

                    Resign now, NO. Speak more now, YES.


                      Try your policy by subsitution, brave:Try this: if a MINISTER "makes staff uncomfortable or they feel threatened then it's clear, he must go"?

                      Good to go with that?

                      How about if a MINISTER "makes directors uncomfortable or they feel threatened then it's clear, he must go"

                      Have you ever told a Minister "NO!" You do not understand the meaning of critical forthrightness if you have not done so, if you are an experienced director.It's not about being a nice little go-along. It's about issues.

                      Obviously the Alberta caucus did little more than sniff away the property rights issues when they floated by them like a fart in the night.

                      Do this: replace MINISTER with CEO?

                      Discomfort comes with the territory unless you want to be an agreeable can of lard sitting in a Direcors chair. Silence at all costs is never an option. Pars


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