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Alberta passes draconian laws abolishing property rights

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    ColevilleH2S: I am saying no such thing. All I'm saying is that the products like Roundup are not the 'miracle' products that will revolutionize agriculture and there are hazards involved in their constant use. Roundup has certainly been of advantage and I don't know how no-till would work without it or an equivalent product. However we can just as easily hit a brick wall when too many weeds become tolerant to Roundup and no-till doesn't produce the desired benefit.


      I'm glad you saw through the PC Advantage baloney and realized what they were up too. I haven't made up my mind about the Wild Rose Party but will not vote PC for sure. They have lost their way since Lougheed governed IMHO.


        Thank the lord for the entrepreneurial spirit. The multinational or some brilliant individual or something/one in between will come across something to make glyphosate (RU) obsolete thereby, once again, continuing to reduce the starvation curve (not the numbers but the % of people in the world). Another option would be to stifle this spirit with the likes of over-regulation or socialism and then watch the curve go up....but then radical socialists ie. communists could regulate population growth using their past unsavory methods. This could only happen if one believes that history repeats itself?


          Interesting how biotechnology always comes back to herbicide tolerance/use of a specific product. Not really highlighted all that much in the original article.

          A weird question but is plant breeding and the new varieties keeping up with mechanization and the technology in equipment farmers are using? When you compare our seed genetics and plant breeding investment, is Canada keeping up or falling behind other crop producing regions?


            After 40 years of Socred rule our parents took a chance on change.


              Over the past 6 weeks after purchasing the right to vote for a PC leader I have sent three seperate enquiries to all of the leadership candidates asking if they will repeal these laws.
              You guessed it no a single reply. Not even from Orman, the only one who could legitamately claim he wasn't part of this. This group are very comfortable concentrating power, including the power of confiscation, behind the closed doors of the cabinet room. Time to throw them out.


                Crop life is not saying the whole world, just the world that can afford to grow biotech crops. They don't really care what happens with the production after its grown just as long as their technology is bought, and bought every year.

                Its the same reason every 6 year old needs an iphone. Good marketing.


                  life's a bitch when you have to form a new PC party because you don't see eye to eye with the old one.



                    Better to be a part of the solution... than the problem.


                      People are waking up to just how far this government has gone with the "land grab bills"! All of these bills have a common denominator, which is the elimination of "the rule of law". Some people (Ted Morton) believe elected representatives should be above the law and make decisions that (supposedly) benifit society, rather than have a set of hard and fast rules! Unfortunately human nature dictates that the "Crown" representatives have a nasty habit of failing miserably to live up to their high ideals!
                      Take one example: Bill 24 (The Carbon Capture and Storage Statutes Amendment Act),"vested" (read that as confiscated) your real property without compensation or due process of law. It was done in less tha 30 days using closure to ram it through the legislature! This was a totally sleezy piece of legislation that also sets a precedent for future expropriation of free hold mineral rights. The government took your property and now rents it out for C02 sequestration (at the rate of about $800/quarter/year), but there is nothing in the legislation that limits that storage under your land to C02! It could very well be toxic waste or nuclear waste....you don't own it anymore!
                      Bill 24 has further implications in that it pretty well stops, forever, any compensation you might expect to recieve for horizontal drilling under your land? This is important because the Alberta government is about to change all the rules regarding well spacing? The new norm will be every foot of space under your land will become a pay zone, through horizontal well bores and hydro fracking every ten meters down that horizontal well bore!
                      Bill 24, opens the door to all kinds of sleazy deals (crony capitalism) as is already happening with the North West Upgrader and the Enhance Energy C02 trunkline! Billions handed over to the PC parties pals!....if you ever want to see just how honest and fair the "Crown" will be, without the rule of law.....just take a look at those two little gems!
                      The Wildrose has stated very clearly ,the first priority, when they form the government, will be to rescind all four of the land grab bills and legislate a "property protective act". This piece of legislation, in all likelyhood, will be similar to the proposed draft written by APRI (Alberta Property Rights Initiative). Danielle Smith was the president of APRI when this draft was written.
                      The Wildrose understands just how bad these four bills are in relation to property rights....and in fact our basic human rights! The PC government is trying to move our basic rights back to a time before the Magna Carta! We need to stop them now before we slip back into slavery!


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