Crop life is just PR on behalf of chemical and seed industry.
If food production continues on its path of high fossil energy input and the depletion of Phosphorous fertilizers we are in big trouble in the long term.
All the BS about feeding the world with biotechnology is just crap. Good technology will play a role. But hunger isn't caused by a supply issue. There is currently enough food in the world. Apparently we have a big enough land and food surplus to use it to make ethanol and bio-diesel.
The issue is poverty. Try feeding your family on $1 per day. If there was political will we could solve the hunger issue. But poor Africans don't vote in the election of rich countries.
Many of the worlds poorest are small scale farmers who feed themselves. They need good varieties that they can save the seed from without being thrown in jail.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization published a report a few years ago that recommended that farmers in developing countries can increase yields by adopting, sustainable lower input methods and agronomy. Expecting very poor farmers to purchase expensive seeds and technology is foolish.
Small diverse farms with livestock, good crop rotations, and improved agronomy using lower input methods will increase production from where it is now.
Monsanto and company are not interested in small scale poor farmers because they can't make money from them.
If food production continues on its path of high fossil energy input and the depletion of Phosphorous fertilizers we are in big trouble in the long term.
All the BS about feeding the world with biotechnology is just crap. Good technology will play a role. But hunger isn't caused by a supply issue. There is currently enough food in the world. Apparently we have a big enough land and food surplus to use it to make ethanol and bio-diesel.
The issue is poverty. Try feeding your family on $1 per day. If there was political will we could solve the hunger issue. But poor Africans don't vote in the election of rich countries.
Many of the worlds poorest are small scale farmers who feed themselves. They need good varieties that they can save the seed from without being thrown in jail.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization published a report a few years ago that recommended that farmers in developing countries can increase yields by adopting, sustainable lower input methods and agronomy. Expecting very poor farmers to purchase expensive seeds and technology is foolish.
Small diverse farms with livestock, good crop rotations, and improved agronomy using lower input methods will increase production from where it is now.
Monsanto and company are not interested in small scale poor farmers because they can't make money from them.