Thanks for what Tom? a screw over? I know you out righters are just cringing at the idea of the 30 payout, if you had it your way there wouldn't be any would there? But you also know that who ever would make that decision would be nutless in less than 10 seconds don't you! The population isn't as far right as our government would like. So that is why the big screw job isn't it. You guys buying off the media because not a word was said about how many acres are not eligible this year that would have been last year?
Since the changes to the new improved program disallow so many acres to be eligible this year, when the estimate for total acres unseeded is given and then multiplied by the 30and 70, that number is totally overstated. As I mentioned on a 3000 acre farm there is 15,000 on top of the other deductions that is not paid out, figure out how many farms there are with flooded out acres and that number becomes huge. So the question is where is all the money going to, that isn't actually going to this program but is approved to be so? Maybe that's how the buddies of the right are buying all the land up? could it be?
Since the changes to the new improved program disallow so many acres to be eligible this year, when the estimate for total acres unseeded is given and then multiplied by the 30and 70, that number is totally overstated. As I mentioned on a 3000 acre farm there is 15,000 on top of the other deductions that is not paid out, figure out how many farms there are with flooded out acres and that number becomes huge. So the question is where is all the money going to, that isn't actually going to this program but is approved to be so? Maybe that's how the buddies of the right are buying all the land up? could it be?