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Buy your Glyphos now!

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    Buy your Glyphos now!

    Seems the powers that be think were paying way
    to little for glyphos.
    Took one semi load today. 18 1000 liter . Priced
    Shop around still might take another if can find.

    Is it just me or am I the only one that does not understand The Price yous paid????? So what did yous pay per litre??????


      $2.70 per litre in australia 450 gram strength was told months ago it would go below $3.50.
      A order of 18 1000 litre shuttles you would get it for $2.50.

      our dollar is close to yours so price should be similar.

      there must be at 30 generic manufactures of glypho in australia.


        BTO I paid 2.49 liter full product delivered to farm. Second Semi load might cost 2.68 Delivered to yard but thats for 2013 use.


          The pricing is great. I am using all a little over one liter per acre instead of the usual .5 . Just fill up the Chem haldler to 180 liters for one quarter. Price of product is a non issue.


            I am failing to see The Price increase Sask. Anything under $2.85 per litre is a Good Price. So what is The Price Increase going to be???????


              3.75 to 4.25 next spring unless their is a full
              world recession and no one can afford food, then
              all bets are off


                #1 why the price increase #2 last time a few years ago the threat to raise led to a hugh decrease to the price we have now. Not saying it could go lower but what the reason for the increase...


                  BTW, and your phos and your sulfur and your N, gotta buy now also pre buy your combine and swather and - today before everything tripples tomorow..... relax we will all buy when we are ready. But yeah thanks for the heads up, glyphos is as reasonable as ever. But until we get more crop in the bin and have a better handle on yeilds, all the pigs can f-off for now. The prices will not skyrocket in 3 weeks.


                    Let alone buying for 2013 are you filling a grain bin?


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