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Durum... Deliver DURING spring seeding... then you can market 100 percent of your crop... Part 7 CWB

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    Durum... Deliver DURING spring seeding... then you can market 100 percent of your crop... Part 7 CWB

    Part 7 CWB Camrose Meeting:

    CWB Plans for the future...

    Only 2 places to haul grain in Edmonton Region...

    Bill Woods and Durum... Haul DURING spring seeding; Then you can deliver 100 percent of your crop;

    How is the CWB the same as Walmart... THE LOWEST PRICE IS THE LAW!

    Dear Director 4 Bill Woods;

    I think the CWB owes an apology to both Zellers AND Walmart!

    "The lowest Price is the Law" is Zellers trade mark... NOT WALMART!

    Figures. BILL, You just make up things ...as you go... and if you say them at the CWB... then they become the truth.

    Is there a special 'Rewards Program' for "Club CWB" Growers don't get the rewards... are they just for Millers and Flour Mills?


      Why should i sacrifice getting a higher price so that 5% of the farmers can load producer cars. Also it is a standing joke around here the CWB starts to allocate cars when the road bans start and the roads are soft..


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