I received this weblink email the other day from a conventional farmer. I would like to think reuters has some factual reporting and hopefully less sensational articles. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/31/glyphosate-pollution-idUSN1E77U15Q20110831?feedType=RSS&feedName=compan yNews&rpc=43.
I am an organic farmer because my farm was too small and inefficent to be profitable conventionally. I am not against conventional farmers doing what they have to to make a living, I did the same thing for 13 years. Now that I am on the outside looking in, I do see the dependancy on glyphosate. Its regarded as a necessity along with a good high clearance sprayer. I am not a chemist, but 360grams per acre of glyphosate, twice per year (burn off and pre harvest) for a decade would eventually show up somewhere! But..I do know the neighbors grow very big, clean crops and thats their goal. So, that part is working,and the fert/chem industry is right behind them with a free jacket, patting them on the back and taking them out for lunch!! The best summary about all this was on a different post about "feeding the world".
Chuckchuck said "Monsanto and company are not interested in small scale poor farmers because they can't make money from them."
wd9 said, " Crop life is not saying the whole world, just the world that can afford to grow biotech crops. They don't really care what happens with the production after its grown just as long as their technology is bought, and bought every year.
Its the same reason every 6 year old needs an iphone. Good marketing."
I fully and completely agree. with both these observations.
I am an organic farmer because my farm was too small and inefficent to be profitable conventionally. I am not against conventional farmers doing what they have to to make a living, I did the same thing for 13 years. Now that I am on the outside looking in, I do see the dependancy on glyphosate. Its regarded as a necessity along with a good high clearance sprayer. I am not a chemist, but 360grams per acre of glyphosate, twice per year (burn off and pre harvest) for a decade would eventually show up somewhere! But..I do know the neighbors grow very big, clean crops and thats their goal. So, that part is working,and the fert/chem industry is right behind them with a free jacket, patting them on the back and taking them out for lunch!! The best summary about all this was on a different post about "feeding the world".
Chuckchuck said "Monsanto and company are not interested in small scale poor farmers because they can't make money from them."
wd9 said, " Crop life is not saying the whole world, just the world that can afford to grow biotech crops. They don't really care what happens with the production after its grown just as long as their technology is bought, and bought every year.
Its the same reason every 6 year old needs an iphone. Good marketing."
I fully and completely agree. with both these observations.