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dumb question sorry about your farming

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    whilst were on health matters wrong forum i know ive had 2 colonoscopy this year 7 weeks apart did some renovating on the 2nd one but no cancer was a fright at 47 yrs

    next on th elist is a hip replacement as im on morphine atm every 6 hours.

    hey if any of you guys are on facebook feel free my name is peter blacket feel free to add me, parsley has.


      Keep dragging it back to the "other side", but hey, it is an important perspective in my little mind. I do use roundup, but not on grain that has a seed set. Have clipped and pasted a previous reply that I submitted to Ranchers.
      To me, our Creator gave us a great, well rounded food source, but many of us like to screw it up. I believe we were not given these gifts to raise in 100,000 head feedlots, or small square cages that don't allow movement in fear of losing production.

      There will come a day, when the cumulative total of these products will be found to cause illness....lets face it, there certainly seems to be many more cancer victims now than in my grandparents days. There is an ethical perception that many consumers "think" we food producers follow and they would be very surprised in knowing what gets put on and into their meat and vegetables. Roundup was once used sparingly, but now is used on the bread we eat, peas, potatoes....on and on. Even cattle do not like to eat straw from a desiccated field....what do they know that we don't?

      As for improved margins, the first people in usually improve margins for 1-2 years and then when everyone is in, the benchmark is where it was at the beginning. I am amazed when an advertisement comes out for vaccinations or drugs arrives in the mail box. A mooing cow when you open the card, or some other catchy cut out that obviously costs more to produce than I can make on one calf........why are we the ones that have to feed the world cheaply.....why do the drug comapnies not participate in this "cheap" model?

      Many producers use a product because they were told to, some make an informed decision, some are convinced it made them more money. All I know, there is a growing amount of people wanting to buy our non implanted, non treated foods.....and that is what I want to feed my family.


        Perfecho, I just watched the documentary "King Corn" last night. Your thoughts are similar to the doc. Corn in grown in the midwest is not human edible until processed. They make corn syrup and byproducts with it. Its the base for almost all food flavouring and of course soda drinks. This leads into obesity and diabetes issues. Then corn is also fed to cattle in feedlots where they cows are commonly medicated with antibiotics for prevention of acidosis. The basic summary of the doc is, in the USA almost every food product on the shelf has corn byproduct in it. One scientist can read your diet by testing the composition of your hair. Most US citizens are unknowingly/uncaringly high corn consumers. It was worth the time to watch.


          gusty,sometimes I take the time to word-whack you when you and I differ, b/c you remain keen and able to learn, and you ask questions, and I appreciate that you take the time to ask farmers for feedback.

          That has worth.

          And then there are other times when I take a run at you simply b/c you're gusty.....lol Pars


            Given my druthers, I would rather eat Parsleys
            wheat for myself and my grandkidlets. Being a
            buyer of Lentils, the ultimate healthfood I like the
            nice green shiney ones that laid in the swath for
            a few days.


              Gee thanks Parsley.


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